Hello men (3 Viewers)


First Sergeant
Aug 7, 2005
Just thought I would drop in and say hi to some old friends......hope all is well.

Good to hear from you Wellington. Keep in touch. Leadmen
Just thought I would drop in and say hi to some old friends......hope all is well.


Hi Wellington, did you survive your move??? I think I moved into my house around the same time you did, right at the end of summer?? I finally have everything put away and have my own soldier room all to myself!!!..Sammy
Actually my move had a few bumps but has started to work it self out....I finally have realized that moving is a young mans game... Anyone hear what the new Napoleonics are going to be?

Good to hear from you Wellington. Hope all is well with you.

No word yet on any new Napoleonics. Do you think we are close to some new releases for this range?
Good to hear from you. Hope things are starting to settle down for you. Haven't heard anything on the Nap front for new releases but with more of the Highlanders being retired maybe something to replace them is in the works?
Hello Wellington

You moved house ... ? So are you still in Canada ?

As for new NAPs, please look at the Redcoats under JJD's 1812 series. They are very good.

Best wishes

Actually I'm still in Canada...when I can afford it I hope to catch up with the NAPS....I still need alot. Hopefully nothing comes out in the near future, I am still recovering from my move. Glad to see all of you guys collecting still.

Hello Wellington. Glad to hear from you again. Seems like an awful lot of us have lived through a move this Summer/Fall. What a drag, but.....one hopes the end results are worth the effort. Just been watching your namesake portrayed as the elder statesmen in Victoria and Albert.

Im still in the process,,seeking a larger collection room w almost a jay leno garage w home attached.

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