Hello (1 Viewer)


Jul 31, 2007
I'm not new to the hobby but new to the chat line, I like to collect WW2 and also Napoleonics. I collect mostly Britains but do collect some King and Country.

Hi Bill, Welcome to the Forum. I hope you find it as great as I have.
Thanks Michael, I collect mostly WW2 but I am just starting to build a Napoleonic range. I have some older stuff but find the new King and Country WW2 and Napoleonic stuff really nice, much different than my glossy range.

I really have never been thrilled by glossy. Matte is my flavor of choice. I too collect WW2, but I also collect John Jenkins and Frontline Medieval Knights. I just finished getting the last of 64 Mounted Knights (MK) and I am working on the last 8 of the Foot Knights (KK). I will try to start the Crusader series next but I am attempting to catch up with all the new WW2 releases from NMA and HB.
Welcome LUFTWAFFE, its nice to see a fellow Napoleonic collector!!!


Welcome to the Forum. Hope you find it a good place. Wellington, unless he's changed lately, just collects Napleonics or as he might call them Wellingtonics :)
Welcome Luftwaffe ! :)

As Wellington said - Always great to another Napoleonic Collector among us. What do you have in your collection from King and Country?

I have some of the 71st, dragoons, imperial guard and some artillery....I mostly have Britains Napoleonics, but plan on starting to collect more King and Country.

I have some of the 71st, dragoons, imperial guard and some artillery....I mostly have Britains Napoleonics, but plan on starting to collect more King and Country.


King and Country sure has great Napoleonic stuff :D

I personally like the great detail and the action with the figures. I probally should keep working on my Imperial Guard Guys - I havent bought that many in long time.

So Bill - are you a fan of Wellington or of our great L'EMPERUER ?
I think both men were great, both did a great service to there perspective country.

Sorry I only collect K&C Napoleonics...all the other periods are EXCELLENT but had to choose my favorite due to the cash flow.

Welcome Bill to the forum:D Or should I sayyyy Velcum to the Forum. MUAHAHAHAhhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:eek:
Anyone see or hear about a new book regarding the remains of Napoleon's son (king of rome?) and Hitler's role in returning them to Paris? I came across it on one of the bookstore websites, but not much info there. Sounds like it could be interesting - or maybe only to me.
Welcome aboard Luftwaffe,hope you have fun here,its a great forum.

Welcome Bill. I take it from your handle you like the aircraft. Have you had a look at any of the K&C warbirds?
Welcome to forum Bill. I like the wwll and Rev War stuff. Leadmen
Welcome Luftwaffe

I collect K+C exclusively, and of all the magnificent ranges they do, I collect LAH and Waffen SS exclusively - so, another WW2 enthusiast - as you could probably tell from my avatar - :)

BTW - have you seen the two sets of Luftwaffe figures just released by K+C?

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