Help with identification please! (4 Viewers)


Jan 7, 2025
Here are some more Britian's soldiers I'm trying to identify. I'm wondering the year made, hopefully closer than just categories of Ancient, pre-war, post-war, and their rank/Regiment/ possibly set #.
The first two images of Higlanders. I've searched online for Highlanders that look like this and through Opie's history and handbook but have seen none. The green paint from kilt to the base really looks original. I find it odd there are no painted details on hose, legs, sporran, shoes, they are all the same color.

The next two, the soldier with rifle has a mustache. He has gaiters which I know went into the early 30's at which time they went to full trousers like the soldier with missing arm. They both have that translucent blue paint which I believe is quite early? Would the missing arm be holding a rifle at slope?

The next two images are of what I believe is the same as the previous one firing a gun only post-war, I'm thinking the 1960's. Scot's Guard?
I have two more groups that I need to photograph. I'm really interested in knowing subtle differences between post-war figures that were made in the first half of that period and the second half. Is there an easy way to determine the difference between them? Were there less changes to features etc. during that period?
Thanks for the help.


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"... Is there an easy way to determine the difference between them? Were there less changes to features etc. during that period?"
If you're using Opie's books, you taken up one of the best ways to tell. Opie, and Norman Joplin, documented the gradual changes in Britain's style of sculpting and painting, and packaging, over the years, and those are very good resources.
Hopefully some here will know off the top of their heads, too, and be able to answer. I'm not as much, because old hollowcast toy soldiers aren't my area of interest. I collect, paint, and cast solid figures in 54mm, and from very specific time periods.

And I apologize if you have checked, but I never assume-these are all marked under their bases as Britains, correct?

Thanks Brad. Yes they are all marked Britains. One or two have only a few letters visible with a magnifying lens but enough to verify. I just checked them again and on the single guy, newer looking paint in last two images, all I can make out is "IN ENGLAND".

These four images are of the last of this bunch I just bought. Soldiers firing guns prone on ground with legs together, and they have mustaches, and evidence of that bright translucent paint, only one is marked on the underside "Britains, etc"

The four kneeling firing guns have no Britains marks anywhere, but they came together with the prone guys so I assume they are from a set. They also have or at least bits of paint evidence of mustaches. All eight have gaiters, not long trousers. I assume the guns ends are broken off, because one is just a wee bit longer than the other three. For what it's worth all eight of these have the same amount of wear to the paint and to the guns.
Thanks again,Tom


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Is there a way to edit a posts after you post it?
When I describe the "next two" after the Highlanders I was talking about images 0427 and 0429, not the two images of the single soldier. I describe that one in my last paragraph. I had also put the two images of the Highlanders together, don't know how they got separated!

I just realized I forgot to post these last two soldiers! Getting confused. These two are similar to the single guy that has shiny paint that I thought is from the 60's. The only difference is they have black bases. I read that this base color change was due to the figures now being used to simulate lining a road the Coronation route would take when accompanied by the Queens Coronation, is that true or did they occasionally change the base color? I'm assuming they are post-war but that if what I read is true they would be from the early 1950's.What unit/company or regiment are these?


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I just realized I forgot to post these last two soldiers! Getting confused. These two are similar to the single guy that has shiny paint that I thought is from the 60's. The only difference is they have black bases. I read that this base color change was due to the figures now being used to simulate lining a road the Coronation route would take when accompanied by the Queens Coronation, is that true or did they occasionally change the base color? I'm assuming they are post-war but that if what I read is true they would be from the early 1950's.What unit/company or regiment are these?
Second grade (simplified) paint, ie black trousers instead of blue with stripe. Foot Guards. This pose would never have had a "Coronation" colour for the base.
To add to the above reply. Tour first and second picture at the top show Highlanders in tropical dress, in second grade paint. The firing 'half-booted" Guards are from before 1933. They became full-trousered at that time, and the prone figures got a new, legs-apart sculpt. The marching Guard with musician's shoulder wing and a cord across his chest is a bugler. There were two different arms used for this guy - arm bent or arm straight down. The firing Guard in the fifth and sixth picture clearly shows the second grade painting process: an overall spray of red, then four colours over that in very basic application. A "first-grade" figure would also have: dark blue trousers with a red stripe, white cross belt and tunic piping, gold tunic buttons, a cuff facing colour, pink cheeks, a moustache or red mouth, brown hair, metallic brown rifle, and possibly a plume on the bearskin.
Thanks you again Mike. I don't know how you can remember all this stuff, I have to write it down. It's good to know what I have. I appreciate the help.Tom

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