I enjoyed this, very well done. Can we have some more historical background for the Waterloo challenged, please?
I was actually not thinking Waterloo at all when I did this set up. I was thinking of Quatre Bras. I didn,t have enough 42nd black watch figures so I had to mix in some 92nd also to try and fill out the square Which is way to thin for my liking and I had to add some poses I didn,t like to try and fill it out but Oh well!
The 42nd were actually caught in line trying to form square at Quatre Bras but managed to form square without getting cut to pieces, and even trapped a few french lancers in there square. The french lancers and cuirassiers caught a couple of other units in line that were told not to form square by the prince of Orange and they were cut to pieces and lost there colors. The 42nd was very lucky not to have suffered the same fate.
I thought of setting up the the figures in the process of forming square under attack and even started out trying to set them up like that but the poses of the figures were all over the place and I tried to set them up the best I could and not make it look to funky. I was going to use the Frontline marching figures closing the last side of the square but at the last minute changed my mind.
Quatre Bras could have been a french victory if Ney had not been so lax on his attack because he had a far bigger force then the small amount of allied forces holding the crossroads at the time he attacked. He was afraid of being lured into a trap and sent his attacks piece meal allowing the allies mostly weak dutch/belgain nassua conscripts to be heavily reinforced. He was also responsible for 10,000 troops of De Erlons corps spending the day marching back and forth between the battles of Quatre Bras and Lingny without fighting in either battle.
The 10,000 troops could have turned the tide in either battle for the french but spent the day marching back and forth between both battles. Ney sending a message for them to return to Quatre Bras after Napoleon had sent a message for them to come to Lingny and Ney turning them back around again just as they were reaching Ligney. If only Napoleon had Taken Davout on the 1815 campaign the allies would have been crushed because Napoleon did a great job of spliting the 2 forces and taking them by complete surprise! I,m sure Davout would have crushed the Allied forces at Quatre Bras, and there would have never been a waterloo as wellington would have known better after a Prussian defeat and a good mauling if not defeat???and would have made for Antwerp and home with his tail between his legs Leaving Napoleon to face A Russian/ Austrian threat??? Instead we had waterloo where A sick Napoleon leaves a Shell shock Ney in command against the best the allies had to offer (Wellington) Which without the support of 40,000 Prussian which were suppose to be kept from the battle by grouchy the allies and wellington still would have lost the battle but with Napoleon having 40,000 extra prussian troops in his flank and rear that were not suppose to be there will put a hurting on your plans.