HIRIART Delivery Day! (2 Viewers)


Jan 28, 2006
It has been ten months since I last received a Hiriart shipment. Finally, after this long wait, 61 sets have arrived this week for nineteen other Hiriart collectors and me. BTW, fourteen of those collectors are fellow Forum members. It is always with a great deal of anticipation and joy that I open the shipping boxes and take out the sets packed inside and examine them even if they are not for me. Again, I would like to share this experience with you since I realize very few collectors will ever receive that many toy soldier sets at their front door at one time.

Here comes my FedEx man with the first box. Yikes, there are suppose to be three boxes, but he only brough two of them. I hope that the third box isn't lost in transit somewhere like Argentina or Brazil. Two days later, I am told it will arrive sometime today. The styrofoam is really messy, but I don't know what else Hiriart can use to protect the items shipped. Look at those beauties.


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I am anxious to see the new King's African Rifles sets that I ordered as a non-catalog special for six other collectors and me. I love the sets. Hiriart did a great job, as usual. Here is a KAR special double set with 21 figures for a Danish collector. He ordered the set with three officers, all of which are different, two buglers, a flagbearer, and 15 men. I notice that Hiriart has added this set to it regular catalog as set number 1354.


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There are five of Hiriart's Delhi Durbar 1911 elephant sets in this order. Three with King George V and two with Queen Mary. I hope Damian and Peter like them; I know I like my two sets.


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PolarBear (Randy) ordered a special tropical uniform version of catalog set 1245 Scutztruppe Deutsche Sud-West Afrika. Two other collectors and I also ordered this set. I think I may even like this version better than the catalog set where they are wearing gray uniforms.


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Forum member Julian and I ordered this set which I had actually never seen before except for a poor photograph. It is set 1059 Royal Air Force Regiment with Gloster Meteor. I also ordered three extra men to go with it, but they are in that missing third box.


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Here is what the set looks like out of its box.


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This is set 1334 Lord of the Jungle for Tom Dubel. Prior to this, I ha only seen a photo of this set. Unusual and interesting.


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Hi Mike,

Great shots. You must have been waiting at the front door with your camera to catch the FedEx man walking up. I can feel the excitement of the new sets arriving. Hiriart does an excellent job making glossy toy soldier sets from various time periods.

Thanks, Raymond.
Looks like somebody is having fun - Christmas came early ?

Hi Bob,

Yes, just like an early Christmas and Santa has something for you, too. It arrived today in the third box; I'll take a photo of it and post it here tomorrow.
Hi Mike,

Great shots. You must have been waiting at the front door with your camera to catch the FedEx man walking up. I can feel the excitement of the new sets arriving. Hiriart does an excellent job making glossy toy soldier sets from various time periods.

Thanks, Raymond.

Hi Raymond,

If only our government was as effecient as FedEx. They said they would deliver by 10:30 and they did---a day and a half from Montevideo to my front door. It is like an early Christmas openning up those boxes. Hiriart's range of figures is amazing. I can hardly wait for the second half of the order to see my other specials: WWI Belgian Congo Force Publique, WWI Portuguese Colonial Infantry, WWII Slovak Infantry, and WWII Hungarian Infantry. All new sets never made before like the King's African Rifles and Italian Carabinieri in this shipment.

Best regards,
This set is for Terp152 (Chris). It is set 1325 Sudanese Camel Corps, 1897. Once you get one of Hiriart's camel corps sets, it is hard not to want to collect them all.


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This set 1136 British Camel Corps, Sudan is for Damian.


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What a delivery day! Mike this is going to be another one of your great threads.

Jeff :salute::
What a delivery day! Mike this is going to be another one of your great threads.

Jeff :salute::

Well thank you Jeff. It is very kind of you to say that. I am glad you are enjoying it. This time, after I document what's in the order, I will take some photos of next Saturday's (the 24th) get together at Bob Walker's house when we distribute some of these sets. That is always a great toy soldier day that I look forward to.
As promised, here is a photo of set 1106 Elephant with Bengal Native Infantry Machine Gun crew for 4th Hussar (Bob) and there is a second set for me, too.


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This is set 1081 Bengal Native Infantry, British India, which is kind of a companion set to the previous post, for Fred and me.


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This is set 1278 Hunting Tigers for Tommy Allison and me. An interesting and unusual set.


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So basically Mike you are having one of everything! :wink2:

Please keep the photos coming. :salute::

So basically Mike you are having one of everything! :wink2:

Please keep the photos coming. :salute::


Hi Jeff,

Almost, but not quite. Basically, when another collector orders a particular set, I'll order one too, if I don't already have it. Secretly, although I can never approach the quality and quantity of Bob Walker's collection, I am at least trying to acquire a bigger Hiriart collection than he has. I think we are basically tied in the number of sets at around 250 each, but he has more bands by far and, therefore, is still ahead.

Best regards,

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