Cheers Mike for the info - thought that they might not do them as castings.
The beauty of having illustrations like these though, is that there are a few castings providors around that I know of, who do many of the French uniforms of the periods depicted here. With a bit of juggling of seperate heads, arms, weapons etcetera - it is often possible to get pretty close to what the FFL actually looked like at any given period. So that's why I just love pics like yours.
As an example - see my attempt at the FFL band - which doesn't look a lot different to the one you showed earlier. This one came from Dorset Soldiers - and was based on a pic of the Hiriart one. I did add neck veils to them (made from the thin lead sheeting from the top of a wine bottle, with a small amount of milliput added beneath), as I fancied them to be in a North African location.
So, I have saved all of your pics to a file - and will have a darned good look at how I might be able to make some more of a favourite subject of mine, by altering some more castings at some point in the future.
Thanks again, johnnybach