Historical Accuracy (2 Viewers)

Was your Merc the wrong shade of Dunklegelb as well? :)
Well no actually I noted a human engineering design error in their driver control layout which they simply could not imagine; be'in Prussian at heart and all.:D But then I suppose Porsche thought their turrent was perfect as well.;):D
On the subject of cars and not historical accuracy you might be interested that a guy in Brisbane Australia has two matching, his and hers, black BMW's and the licence plates are Panzer and Tank !
Just some useless information from Down Under.
Taking a quick break from opening the new RAF figures.
A perfect example of a totally inaccurate model is being discussed presently on the K & C forum.Their 'Wittman Tiger' has no zimmerit,which is totally wrong as all 501 Bn. tigers had it applied to their bodywork during the Normandy campaign.As this was probably the most famous tiger1 in history I cannot understand how K & C could get it so wrong.It's not that there aren't dozens of photos of this vehicle in existence!The same tank by Forces of Valor,retailing at one quarter the price is far more accurate.
Why is K&C Reinhard Heydrich Car Green when it should be black :confused:
Not to pick on K&C, but since they are the premier 600pd gorilla in the room at present, the early Zulu War gloss series has all kilted Highlanders defending Rorke's Drift...There were no kilted Highlander regiments in theater at any time during the war. The total amount of kilted personnel would have been between 10-15 pipers bandsmen of the 91st and 94th regiments that showed up monthes after Rorkes Drift.
Nonetheless, these figures border on priceless today for their rarity and splendor:)
What do you think of the HB Panther A's for zimmerit etc, I thought that they were pretty good...........


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Well no actually I noted a human engineering design error in their driver control layout which they simply could not imagine; be'in Prussian at heart and all.:D But then I suppose Porsche thought their turrent was perfect as well.;):D


I thought that your merc was green?:confused::):cool:

I thought that your merc was green?:confused::):cool:
Well the one I had was but I traded it in for a fine British alternative, which is also green.;):D It is my first of those and likely the closest I will now get to an real Spitfire.:D
American units certainly have colors but not battle honours. The equivalent I think would be unit citations and campaign streamers but I am not as familiar with US military history and pilots don't parade very much.;):D

It's a sidebar to ask this, and not just for Spitfrnd, but anyone--didn't our army have them at one time, but when the Army was reorganized over the period from the Spanish-American War through WWII, and the links with the traditional, state-oriented units was gradually de-emphasized, they weren't carried forward? I thought that Union regiments had battle honors painted on their colors, as did Confederate regiments.

Good morning gentleman, and ladies,
I would prefer historical accuracy, but in situation where nothing is available, I go ahead and try to convert figures to my needs. I have been conveting Italieri French napolionic figures into mexicans, also some king and country Rev. war figures are useful.
...some king and country Rev. war figures are useful.

Just don't forget to give the Hessian officers a shave ;)

Greetings down there in Hatfield! You're not too far from my old stomping grounds. I grew up in Harleysville, went to Souderton HS.

Prost and welcome to the forum!
Tullock,where can we look at "The dozens of photos of 007",you say are in existence,if you have them please post them onto the forum so all the interested parties can have a good look,BTW Wikipedia says there is only one photo of Tiger 007 in existence ?Come to think of it ,no photo of 007 pre 8.8.44 has been produced by you or Fmethorst in support of your position on this interesting subject,is there any in Tigers in Combat,we can look at ? Fmethorst posted a" photo of 009 " but we cannot see all of the three numerals clearly to make a definitive identification.POST SCRIPT,i have tried to obtain a pre 8.8.44 photo of 007 from the BUNDESARCHIV online with no success but that may be attributed to my lack of computer skills.Any help on this would be helpful.
Tullock,where can we look at "The dozens of photos of 007",you say are in existence,if you have them please post them onto the forum so all the interested parties can have a good look,BTW Wikipedia says there is only one photo of Tiger 007 in existence ?Come to think of it ,no photo of 007 pre 8.8.44 has been produced by you or Fmethorst in support of your position on this interesting subject,is there any in Tigers in Combat,we can look at ? Fmethorst posted a" photo of 009 " but we cannot see all of the three numerals clearly to make a definitive identification.POST SCRIPT,i have tried to obtain a pre 8.8.44 photo of 007 from the BUNDESARCHIV online with no success but that may be attributed to my lack of computer skills.Any help on this would be helpful.
Forlonhoper.I never said that there were dozens of photos of 007.Try reading my post again.My argument is that ALL tigers of SS 101 had zimmerit,and there are dozens of photos of Tiger 1s belonging to SS 101 in Normandy.K & C using their prehistoric research facilities has got Wittman's tiger completely wrong.By the way,the photographic records of the German Army are kept in Koblenz.
It's a sidebar to ask this, and not just for Spitfrnd, but anyone--didn't our army have them at one time, but when the Army was reorganized over the period from the Spanish-American War through WWII, and the links with the traditional, state-oriented units was gradually de-emphasized, they weren't carried forward? I thought that Union regiments had battle honors painted on their colors, as did Confederate regiments.

It is an interesting question. I also know many Confederate units added battles honors to their flags and the method for this was eventually standardized by official directive. I have also read that some Union units did this as well but I have not seen any information to confirm that it was an official practice or that it applied to any other wars for US forces. Likely Bob would know more about the ACW practice.
There is a difference between toy soldiers and model soldiers in terms of accuracy.
Toy soldiers look quaint and have a childlike quality about them, so strict historical accuracy is not essential. The old WB stuff is a good example.
The modern toy soldier has become much more realistic than the old fashioned toy soldier.
There were the hybrid toy soldiers like Trophy which combined old fashioned gloss charm with action poses. Todays' K and C, Figarti, FL CS etc are verging on the model (realistic) end of teh toy soldier spectrum so it is obvious that collectors are going to demand more accuracy. The modern toy soldier is a victim of it's own success in this regard.
It is an interesting question. I also know many Confederate units added battles honors to their flags and the method for this was eventually standardized by official directive. I have also read that some Union units did this as well but I have not seen any information to confirm that it was an official practice or that it applied to any other wars for US forces. Likely Bob would know more about the ACW practice.

We had battleflags in Base, Command and HQ's that had tons of ribbons for battle honors hanging off...Is this what you guys are talking about?
[QUOTE=tullock;Their 'Wittman Tiger' has no zimmerit,which is totally wrong .As this was probably the most famous tiger1 in history I cannot understand how K & C could get it so wrong.It's not that there aren't dozens of photos of this vehicle in existence!
i have re read your post as you kindly suggested and duly highlighted the points you made in said post,my take on it was that you were referring to 007 or were you referring to 205 or 222,if memory serves K&C have modelled only 205 and 007,205 has zimmerit and 007 does not so it was only fair of me to assume you were referring to 007,to which there isnt dozens of photos in existence,unless you have some you can share with us. ken
We had battleflags in Base, Command and HQ's that had tons of ribbons for battle honors hanging off...Is this what you guys are talking about?

Hi, Mike, yes, exactly. Do you know if any were handed down from older units that had been deactivated ord replaced by new ones, and their successor units inherited the battle honors?

Hi, Mike, yes, exactly. Do you know if any were handed down from older units that had been deactivated ord replaced by new ones, and their successor units inherited the battle honors?

Careful now, streamers and ribbons are a different thing, although they can be awarded for the same purposes. I thought the question was about honors placed on flags?

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