HMS Victory Storyboard Diorama (1 Viewer)

HMS Victory Rigging.
If you guys would like I will post the sequence that I used to rig this ship.I kept a log over the many years of building this ship so I might as well put it to good use.
I have noticed that most books on rigging actually do not give you a step by step rigging sequence which leads to a lot of confusion.
My model is more than just "harbour rigged "as I wanted to depict the ship as she would be just before hauling up the sails from storage and repair.
In the beginning I will give just the basic sequence and if I get the time I will fill in the details as to rope sizes etc...
Because I post to more than just ship related websites,please let me know if you are interested and if so,I could start a new thread just dealing with this subject. Cheers! John.
Hi John,

I would be most interested to know the sequence you used to rig the ship. I am almost certain I am not alone in this interest. Thanks for making such a kind offer!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
I don't know that I can add much to what others have said, but that truly is a remarkable ship. I would display that with pride in a very public place in my house!! Hope you did. You have such talent. I remember seeing the "Buy War Bonds" hangar diorama before - in a book I own I think. I always loved that one too.
Following this thread and the rigging threat with great interest John, many thnaks again.

I also looked at some of your work you posted on photobucket. Amazing, you are very talented. I think my favourite piece of work by your goodself has to be the falcon, truly stunning. :eek: :cool:
This post was from another thread on another website but I thought that you guys might be interested.

Wow, spectacular model. A great showpiece of skill and patience. The rigging... unbelievable.
But, the figures are very distracting to me. Uniforms are too blue/red etc and too glossy. Colours are way too saturated - they ought to fade with distance.

My response:
Actually that was done on purpose so that the figures would not get lost in the rest of the detail.This is a decorative,storyboard type diorama and is meant to tell the story of life at sea on one of these old warships.The figures are really more important than the rest of the diorama in my view.This diorama was done for children and the young at heart and is an educational tool. The intense coloration helps me tell the story.
Cheers! John.
This post was from another thread on another website but I thought that you guys might be interested.

Wow, spectacular model. A great showpiece of skill and patience. The rigging... unbelievable.
But, the figures are very distracting to me. Uniforms are too blue/red etc and too glossy. Colours are way too saturated - they ought to fade with distance.

My response:
Actually that was done on purpose so that the figures would not get lost in the rest of the detail.This is a decorative,storyboard type diorama and is meant to tell the story of life at sea on one of these old warships.The figures are really more important than the rest of the diorama in my view.This diorama was done for children and the young at heart and is an educational tool. The intense coloration helps me tell the story.
Cheers! John.

Hi John,

Thanks for sharing this information with us. I especially like the response you provided for such a critical evaluation of your excellent work. Your response demonstrates patience and understanding of the critic, while not compromising the careful choices you have made in the construction of your model. Your diplomacy matches your skill as a modeler! My compliments!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
The best book on rigging sequence that I am aware of is in a book that I picked up over 30 years ago in a hobby shop called HMS Victory,Classic Ships,Their history and how to model them #1. by Noel C.L. Hackney. ISBN 0 85059 053 1
I picked up this book for $1.95 back then.It is probably long out of print but I know that it was available up until a few years ago when I passed this info on to a another modeler and he managed to find a copy somewhere.
It was published in 1970 by
Patrick Stephens Ltd,
London EC1,England.
in association with Airfix Products Ltd,London SW18,England.
If anyone finds a supplier ,please let me know.Good luck ! Cheers. John.

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John what a pleasure it is seeing what you've accomplished in the building of the ship the work is outstanding. Just wish I had a 1/10 of your talent and thank you for sharing it....the Lt.
John this is an extraordinary ship, unbelievable. After reviewing these photos I rented and watched again the movie Master in Command.

Good job

As far as I know.....
this is the only ship model that there is of HMS Victory as a storyboard diorama, complete with scale figures .I have searched the web and I have never seen another anywhere in books,mags etc...
If anyone out there knows of another I sure would like to know about it ,if for nothing else just to satisfy my own curiosity .Thanks! Cheers. John.

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