Holiday Message to You All (1 Viewer)


Jan 29, 2008
Dear Friends,

Well that time of year is upon us once again. Christmas is always my favourite time of year. A chance to get together with family & friends, share great food, drinks and company. I am not sure why but this time of year always chokes me up a bit, maybe it’s because I think of families who are not as fortunate as mine, or maybe it’s because there are people alone or without their cherished family members or friends. Our brave soldiers away from their families fighting to protect our freedom

Last January my dad was in a serious car accident and we could very well have been spending this Christmas without him. I guess he had a guardian angel with him that day.

After reading posts on the forum about prices being crazy and this and that being the wrong colour. I thought I would take this opportunity to write these few words. At the end of the day does it matter how much you have, does it really matter that the pennant is the wrong way round or any other tiny little indifferences. What does matter is you surround yourself with the people that you love and cherish them while you have the chance. Please spare a thought for those facing tough times, where a price increase on something as trivial as a toy soldier collection is the furthest thing on their minds.

With this I raise a glass to you all and of offer you the very Happiest of Holidays, continued good health and I look forward to discussing our hobby with you in the New Year.


What a nice thought you have conveyed to all of us! This certainly is a

wonderful time of year, and I also wish you and all the other Forum Members

a very happy Holiday Season!
What a lovely message scott, Im sure at this time of year we will all be thinking of the loved ones not with us at this special time & be thankful for the time we have had with them. Its always a special time for me & my family :) so id also like to wish everyone on here a very merry christmas & happy new year & thank you all for making me so very welcome on here since ive joined!!!
Cheers Craig.
Thanks for starting this thread Scott.

Christmas always has and always will be my favorite time of the year; it's not about the presents and what one will get, it's got more to do with being thankful for what you have (your health first and foremost, without that, you've got nothing, a loving spouce or girfriend, wonderful parents, in laws, siblings, aunts and uncles).

I love the Christmas specials on tv, the christmas trees and decorations and especially the Christmas songs, can't get enough of them. Whenever I hear "O Holy Night" by Josh Groban, it really gets to me, I get pretty choked up, he's got some set of pipes.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each and every one of you, God bless............
I'm with you 100% Scott. The holidays are the best time of year . . . giving gifts, spending time with your lived ones, hoping for peace on earth and good will to men. Merry Christmas, happy Chanakuh, and happy and healthy New Year to all of you, your families and friends.

Oh, and if you happen to be in the New York City/suburbs/neighborhood during the holiday season, please drop in, friends are always welcome.
To our host and all on The Forum

A very happy holiday season and my best wishes to each and every one.


With another powerful winter storm approaching New England I thought I better post this in case we lose power again.


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Merry christmas....from the brits.....:) hmmmmm...i guess i can say it to napoleon as well...:d

Yo Troopers, all the best to everyone on the forum, I hope its a nice peaceful holiday. I will enjoy it for my son his second Xmas and that's as far as it goes. When I was a kid we didn't have TVs so we were obilivious to what was happening on the planet earth. But now when I look at the amount of people starving to death in Africa especially the young ones, it has just lost its appeal for me. Just saw on the news today Paris Hilton was burgled and lost £1 million plus jewelry how sad, these people with Billions and Millions and kids are starving to death, something wrong somewhere on the planet guys. So for me Xmas ain't what it used to be. God Bless them.
With another powerful winter storm approaching New England I thought I better post this in case we lose power again.
I am with you (literally) there my friend. The good news is that it cannot be as bad as the "ice storm of the Century" from which we are still recovering.
Warmest Holiday Wishes To Everyone Here.
Good health, good luck and best wishes to all on the forum. And don't forget as you sit down to your Christmas feast to raise a glass to all the boys and girls in uniform out in Afghanistan and Iraq. God bless them all and keep them safe.
I raise my glass to you too Scott, wishing you and all the rest of you on the forum health, love and friendship.

PolarBear, once again great photo. Another one of my favorites.
Well said to and by all, best to the troops everywhere. My wartime christmas one of my best and most unique,,my Bn had just completed a 24 day operation in 3corps along the china sea,returning to the base area it was said the bob hope show would be there xmas day as it was also the div hq, half my bn was chosen to form a perimeter,sweep zone much farther out,lucking out another young troop and myself with four beers early in the a m managed to be in the 2nd row center. Looking almost straight up at the scantily clad females,joey heatherton at 18 or so etc. Half way thru the troops forward called in a contact airstrike-navy f4s along with the carols to celebrate the xmas truce. some fodder for hope jokes, completing that my friend and I caught a ride out the gate ,unarmed yet mellow,"downtown" in a moment of weakness ,spent the afternoon in Mamasans "airbourne bar-all the way" completley getting our ashes hauled for the occasion, wandering out later in search of a ride back we realized the traditional mess haul dinner for "our boys " was over and being hungry had a native dinner ,what was refered to as ratburgers at the time,,later sleeping off things filled with holiday cheer. telling the family,my grandmother etc about the day later I cleaned the tale up a bit..
Excellant post Scott,merry Xmas and a happy new year to all.:)

My Christmas Philosophy: If one strips away all of the gifts, all of the food, colorful lights, and yes even Santa. We still end up with the birth of Jesus 2008 years and 2 days ago. Even if you search Christmas on YouTube you get a bunch of crazy guys doing odd stuff and none of it until somewhere around page 100 is about Jesus. But nowhere in the bible does it command us to not enjoy gifts, and lights, and good food, so lets celebrate.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!!!!!

Col. H
Wonderful posts. You are all quite right - it's family, friends and taking the time to remember the birthday that we are supposed to be commemorating. Despite the last minute hassles and rushes I am looking forward to another Christmas. It's hardest on my poor wife. The grandkids add a fresh spark of fun to any Christmas gathering - it's fun to see through their eyes again.

A very Merry Christmas to all my friends and contacts on this forum. I wish the best for yo and yours and I hope we all have a good 2009.

Gary B.

A very Merry Christmas to and a happy and Prosperous New Year to All.

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