At first I was disappointed about the change, but the more I think about it, the more I think it's a great idea. Each collector gets an item that is UNIQUE to his/her collection and tastes.
For instance - if HB decides to make a Sherman V (M4A4) then the tank could be provided as the "Firelfy" (17-pounder gun version) or the regular 75mm gun tank. They could even cast some 60-pounder RAF rockets and make the "Tulip" version used by the Guards Armored Div. Each collector could decide which campaign or unit they want (i.e. the "Firefly" that killed Wittman to go with a Wittmann Tiger). If some person wanted a troop (US equivalent = platoon) of tanks then each would have differences in numbers, stowage, etc. HB could also be free to mark an M4A4 as a Free French tank, or from a US training unit, or even the Chinese Army, and not have to worry about selling hundreds of each.
Research - I provided HB with a disk with some US Sherman photos. I, and others, could offer some research to help get the model close to correct as possible. The research could be provided for a fee or for HB products or whatever (sorry to be capitalistic but the piles of books weren't free).
A novel approach to collectoable vehicles!