Honour Bound - OSTN Show Pictures (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Nov 18, 2005
It was great to see Ana again and yes, they're alive in WWII and doing very well. Here are some pictures and a surprise set too. I tried several times unsuccessfully to buy these two WWII sets before their official release. Dang.






Check out those Indians, they do look fantastic !!! Looking forward to seeing more of these.
Yeah, but why do plains Indians (probably Lacota Sioux by the clothing) have a Pacific North-West Indian totem pole?:confused:
For those who may have missed it, this is what Shannon said about the Indians:

Hi guys,
It's neither Beau Geste nor Honour Bound. It is from a newly formed company comprised of Beau Geste and Honour Bound artists (I've forgotten the name--Southland Miniatures, I think) that have created this line independently of BG or HB.
I believe these were the first four figures in a planned chess set of 'cowboys and Indians (Native Americans)' which is why the figures are in varying sizes and positions dependent on which chess piece they represent.
I'm sure Ana will be able to shed more light on the plans for this line but I know these figures were enthusiastically received at the show. Ana and Daniel are currently still traveling but I will let Ana know there are enquiring minds on the board that want more info.
I forget, when are the GI medical teams going to be available?

Carlos, thanks for the close up pics, HB have certainly improved the faces on their figs making them as good as ever.
Great figures, excellent photos thanks, but to me one thing spoils them: those black lines:eek:. Just my taste, sorry...

Great figures, excellent photos thanks, but to me one thing spoils them: those black lines:eek:. Just my taste, sorry...


I thought the black lines were much better done than the earlier highlighted releases like the HB23 and HB24.

but the real test will come when the HB winter sets of the medic team and the radio team appears, i hope they will be more subdued than the black highlights on the white camouflages of HB25 and HB26.
Yeah, but why do plains Indians (probably Lacota Sioux by the clothing) have a Pacific North-West Indian totem pole?:confused:

Interesting! My old plastic playsets mixed teepees with totems too. :confused: Such a cliche!

How about a BC native range:



Hollywood has conditioned so many people with seeing Indians (they don't mind the term honest) in Tepees that I guess the fallacy will remain this us, the same with the broad brimmed hats on the US Cavalry.

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