Horse Marines (2 Viewers)

Added arms and finalized the details on the tunic. First coat of paint applied.

Hi All,

Found this piece in the darker recesses of my gray army. I had left it aside because when I painted the figure, there were many surface flaws. There was also a sculpting flaw in which the girth of the figure exceeded that of the horse. I removed the torso, and tried to reshape the seat. For reasons I can't fathom, the flaw was not picked up in any of the photos. I only discovered it when I glued the figure to the saddle.

I am now picking up from where it was abandoned. The legs were lengthened and I plan to lower the seat and thighs.

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Lowered the seat and attached the torso to it. Now slowly adjusting the legs and resculpting the figure.

As I was having a problem getting to the undersides to sculpt the figure properly, I decided to remove the figure from the horse. it was not going to be easy as I had epoxied it to the saddle. So I decided to drill holes through the waist and into the saddle, in order to loosen the parts. I broke a couple of drills in this drastic operation. But finally, the figure did come off, with numerous drill holes and looking like a mafia-drilled victim. I didn't bother to take a picture of the mess but at least I can repair and sculpt the parts separately now.
So, after some basic repairs to the horse saddle and figure, I've ensured that the seat is correct on the saddle. The horse itself has been improved on the snout and the two hind hooves. looking at my reference photos carefully, it appears that the mane is completely shaved off.

The brim and crown of the hat was built up. This is to accommodate a larger head to be sculpted after this.

face was completely resculpted. The body was reshaped and refitted onto the horse. The horse was reworked too. The head and neck here.

I took out the parts of this piece.

I really like the horse from the side but realised that the right flank of the horse was too wide, hence causing me overall fit and pose problems.

So I've decided to redo this piece.

I've repositioned the legs of the cavalryman. The right flank of the horse has been sanded down.

This figure has been reworked so many times that it s hardly recognisable. I, the heer doktor, of course recognise its miniature soul. I decided to grind down the inside legs to get a good seat for the figure. With some putty, I’ve managed to lower the seat on the saddle. The poor pony has lost a right back foot. Sigh….

The update on the pony was accidentally posed on the sousaphone thread. You can get there by way of Marie Louisa, Bonampak, project X and colonel Pully threads. Hope that is clear….😂😂😂

i added head stalls and bits of musculature. Will improve on the neck breast area. Sculpted a mouth n jaw for the figure.

I extended the legs of the figure. Reshaped the horse neck area Added headstall and the saddle blanket. Added the sword scabbard. Added a tail.
Bldg up the legs and added putty to the underside to get a good seat for the figure.
added ears and saddle flaps.
built up the hat brim and added the shirt collar n tie

Further sculpted the mouth n jaw, added the jacket pockets. Added wire arms. Notice the start of the saddlebags. The rifle case is being built

Built up the rump. Will have to enlarge the saddle bags.

Added pockets and collar to the jacket.

I spent some time to get the brim n peak right. Also corrected the saddle seat (mostly hidden) and sculpted the saddle bags. Then I wedged some putty to sit the figure properly.
Gave a light undercoat to see the details.

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