How about a Kelly's Heroes Sherman! (1 Viewer)

Sorry dudes but that's my job: keeping people out of trouble. Plus, how do you think I pay for this hobby? My "good" looks aren't get me past the corner drugstore.
I just don't think it's a good idea, that's all. Do we really need another Sherman? Nope.

Notwithstanding all that, if you wanted to issue Kelly's Sherman, you have legal issues. You will need the permission of the people who hold the right to the name "Kelly's Heroes." Copyright protection in the US lasts 75 years, Europe 50 years (movie was made in 1970).

Secondly, you'll also need the permission of Clint Eastwood, Donald Sutherland and other actors you'd want to depict on the tank who are still alive. With respect to those who are dead like Telly Savalas, California has recently passed a law to the effect that a person's rights do not end upon death. New York is considering a similar measure. These two states are trendsetters in US law so don't be surprised if other states eventually follow suit.

Getting permissions cost money and for a small company like K & C (in the total scheme of things) that, in and of itself, will be a disincentive to making this tank.

I disagree most emphatically, Brad. It is a great idea. Having a set up with Kellys heros or as an add-onset would be really neat.

It just is unfortunate that there are licensing problems. We know that Andy does not like doing things that complicated. So it will not be done. Maybe some sneaky Chinese pirate company will make and sell them at flea markets:D
In have read Richard Conte's blogs about lisencing of "stars" and have spoken to him at OTSN, plus hearing Andy's comments about doing likenesses of famous people, what a ROYAL PAIN it must be to address a project. Conte spoke about working with Kurt Douglas on a figure. Mr Douglas was apparently very agreeable, but his agent stepped in and ruined the whole deal. Andy has spoken of the problems in dealing with the Patton family and representatives. That's why a a Strictly Limited tank referes to "General Inspection" but does not refer to the officer by name or initials. Conte has an obvious John Wayne version of an airborne officer but the set is titles "On To Ste.Mere Eglise" and uses no names.

By the way - in 1/35th models there was a company that produced resin figures, one set called "The Entrepeneurs" and another called "Oddball and crew" that depicted the charachters from "Kelly's Heroes". I don't know if they are still available outside of flea markets, but they were produced. The M4A3E4 Sherman was a rebuild for the Military Assistance Program and is an easy conversion from the Tamiya kit.

I disagree most emphatically, Brad. It is a great idea. Having a set up with Kellys heros or as an add-onset would be really neat.

It just is unfortunate that there are licensing problems. We know that Andy does not like doing things that complicated. So it will not be done. Maybe some sneaky Chinese pirate company will make and sell them at flea markets:D

Hmmmm......Some FOV Shermans with cone-shaped loudspeakers fashioned out of old superglue bottle tops and a longer gun made out of a bit of biro pen - and all marketed under the new brand name "Black-Hearted Heid's Buccaneering Company". Hmmmm......;);) Cheers for the idea KV.. ;);)

I disagree most emphatically, Brad. It is a great idea. Having a set up with Kellys heros or as an add-onset would be really neat.

It just is unfortunate that there are licensing problems. We know that Andy does not like doing things that complicated. So it will not be done. Maybe some sneaky Chinese pirate company will make and sell them at flea markets:D
:D Y'know McVampie..Maybe somebody could make a deal...
"..Y'know a deal deal! Maybe the guy's a Republican?"
Don Rickles in "Kelly's Heros"

I agree a OddBall "type " Sherman would be great..And..Whomever said we don't need more Sherman tanks should be roasted alive in their own lube oil.
Respectfully Speaking..:D
How about the music? Really bad if I recall particularly the end song.
WOW! My first post generated alot of interest. It really seems like this type of set would be nearly impossible to produce, but it is a good idea. Customizing an Oddball Sherman from a FOV tank sounds okay to me. May even name the tank "Oddball", in white lettering along the sides. Getting back to the movie, I still love that scene when Oddball leads his 3 shermans in a triangle formation, and decimates the nazi train station while playing "I've Working on The railroad", over his loudspeakers! PRICELESS. Thanks for all your feedback on this one. Steel Wheels.
The name of the song is "Burning Bridges", by the Mike curb Congregation. I actually liked the military cadence to that song.

Couldn't agree more. Thinking of changing my will so as to have it played at my funeral :D.
I'm having England my Lionheart and Highway to Hell at mine!:D

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