How about the "Battle of Orleans - 1815" next! (1 Viewer)

You mentioned :

"The US won the toss and would wear dark colors and hide behind walls while the British had to march shoulder to shoulder, in bright red and in a straight line while we shot at them".

I hate to be a sore loser but it sounds like cheating to me !!! Surely the rules were to stand 50 yards apart and
open fire in volleys.

PS Having said that it does sound like a great comedy sketch.

Yea it is cheating but then what is the phrase ...... "All is fair in LOVE and WAR!" {sm4} Besides I can't think of a better time to cheat than when someone is shooting at me!{sm3}
Michael...that's really a pretty good assessment and analogy you're making...with the loss of the British officers from the US volleys...there is a lot of expert military history specualtion...that the British side made a few blunders and didn't seize the moment...either way...the Americans celebrated it as a huge triumph...

One of the good programs offered by History Channel was the War of 1812 First Invasion..Shown in my market recently, I found it well done at every level and New Orleans was extensively covered as to tactics, errors and results...As much as I think I know, I was not even aware that the Brits actually broke through the U.S. lines at one point.. I do intend to buy this one as it is a keeper..Michael
As much as I think I know, I was not even aware that the Brits actually broke through the U.S. lines at one point.. I do intend to buy this one as it is a keeper..Michael

Michael...I believe they broke through twice...actually capturing the US artillery from one station...where the US side plugged the guns so they couldn't be turned on them...

PS That is a great image at the top of the three shown.

Brett...that beautiful painting is the Don Troiani rendition of the is very nice...
With due respect, you guys are wrong. No cheating involved.
We won because we had Yul Brynner, Charlton Heston, Charles Boyer and Arthur Hunnicutt Jr.on our side:smile2::smile2:
Honestly, those Brits never had a chance against Chuck
One of the good programs offered by History Channel was the War of 1812 First Invasion..Shown in my market recently, I found it well done at every level and New Orleans was extensively covered as to tactics, errors and results...As much as I think I know, I was not even aware that the Brits actually broke through the U.S. lines at one point.. I do intend to buy this one as it is a keeper..Michael

I saw the History Chanel series on the War of 1812, that Maddadicus mentioned before and was one of the reasons that I took to JJD and the 1812 line. Most of the documentaries on there (History Channel) are fairly accurate so I generally trust their facts and then go research further on a subject or person.

As in ALL battles, that which is planned is seldom that which happens. For example, at N.O the British launch a force across the river with the objective of capturing the American guns on that side. Then of course, turn the guns on the US. Good plan, but they (somehow) failed to realize that the strong current would carry them far down stream and thus, for all intent and purposes, out of the battle. So what military commander(or engineer) doesn’t know something like that??? {sm2}

It seems that at the Battle of N.O the Goddess of War was favoring the Americans,or they simply made less blunders. OR maybe it was still the cockiness of the British Commanders still believing in that the British Army was virtually unstoppable? Whatever, I would really like John to consider the wide range of offerings here in terms of figures and diorama material.
Good Hunting!
Re: UPDATE - How about the "Battle of Orleans - 1815" next!

Gee almost 150 folks have viewed and only ""3"" people with an opinion? ^&confuse

I'm in favor of a Battle of New orleans as I can get double use out of my Pirates.

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