How are you funding your First Legion collection? (1 Viewer)


Private 2
May 12, 2005
I thought this might be an interesting topic...How are you funding your First Legion collection? I know these are a little more expensive than other manufacturer's, but you get what you pay for. Since collecting from this company is a little harder on the wallet than others, what are you doing to collect pieces from this line. Are you selling parts of your collection? Have you decided to live on ramon noodles? Did you sell one of your kidneys?

I have been selling off a very large star wars collection of mine, and I maintain an ebay store on the side that specializes in toys. I do have a full time job and family to support, so I don't get too crazy. I order a few pieces at a time and it has been alot of fun collecting toy soldiers again.
Blood bank on Mondays, sperm bank on Tuesdays, cut grass when I get home from work on Wednesdays and Thursdays, Fridays I do bottle returns and Saturday and Sunday I look for coins in the fast food drive thrus^&grin. Seriously though Rome is the only line I am focusing on right now and that money comes from my set budget for the year plus any overtime I get each month which is in the ball park of 3-5 days a month.
I work. That's it.. Toy soldiers budget is roughly 2% of my income before taxes, etc.

I don't think it should be more than that. So if I want more soldiers, I work more... :)

My first legion funds are the cigarettes money
i put away everyday since i quit smoking
Amazing how it adds up
I never drank , it would have been more money
But price of FL goes up faster than price of cigarettes
but i'm a happy collector
Britains Rorke's Drift series and the new FL Roman range is my focus now... Nothing else... well maybe a couple of FL samurai's there and again... ^&grin
I work.... that's always a good way to "earn" money....also....I have a printing press in the basement:wink2:
I control my spending by only collecting W. Britian ACW and First Legion AWI. I allow myself a budget of $150.00 per month toward this end. I have also been selling off anything I have made by K&C in order to supplement my habit, er . . . . I mean hobby :wink2:
:smile2: Mike

Originally when I got into collecting I bought a variety of manufacturers including Russian connoisseur and Honour Bound Gold. I spend less than I used to but enjoy the hobby as much as ever.
I have been (am) a AWI collector for years. About 90% with K&C and a smattering of Conte and Britains thrown in.

I branched off to WWII (BoB and Afrika) for a while, but I have since backed off. I recently found the NEW FL AWI sets and I am in love with them.

The costs are higher than K&C ($50-$60 as opposed to $32 per figure) but the quality is unsurpassed. So I am selling my K&C WWII items and will be funding the new FL AWI that way.

Also, giving up the extra large bacon pizza and case of beer will help the wallet AND the waistline.:p
hehehehe....I carry a pager to do support (Hi Tech) after hours and that's my TS funding. I still get pay for carrrying it every month eventhough most of the time no one calls ^&grin .
....also....I have a printing press in the basement:wink2:

So, how can I get an 'installment'?^&grin

Actually, I have just sold the last of my 1/6th scale stuff. I had been collecting those figures for a long time, but now, it has all been sold off to pay for more FL figures.

How are you funding your First Legion collection?

Familial restructuring which created positive synergy by realizing long range goals into short term results; personnel downsizing resulting in the elimination of the wife position; outsourcing for key services and mergers with appropriate partners sharing similar strategic visions in accordance with short term contracts and strict job performance requirement standards.
Familial restructuring which created positive synergy by realizing long range goals into short term results; personnel downsizing resulting in the elimination of the wife position; outsourcing for key services and mergers with appropriate partners sharing similar strategic visions in accordance with short term contracts and strict job performance requirement standards.

You're hired! LOL ^&grin
:smile2: Mike
Lets see.... selling of other items I no longer need or want. And the thing called a Job pays for the rest.
I'm retired so I use my "hobby allowance" carefully. Selling off my K & C models. I concentrate on the Stalingrad range. The models are obviously more expensive but releases are more spread out which makes life a bit easier. Obviously alot depends on how prices go over the coming months. I hope I can keep going until a T-34 appears!
As with First Legion the releases come at a slower pace, (which I enjoy quality over quanity any day) allows me to put away a little here a little there to make my next buy, also I'm sticking with one line, I do love me some Romans but...the release schedule also gives me time to plan and purchase dios if I want, so it works great for me...Sammy
Just no substitute for hard work :wink2: . Although I've switched to Royal Farms Coffee and starting to take my lunch to work with just those two I'm saving about $400.00 a month . I never smoked so I can't cut that out , I have another Hobby fine Bier and there is no chance Im switching to Miller , Coors or the like for the savings there is the all important quality of life issue to deal with :wink2: . I have my limits {sm4} ..

Just for the record It all depends on what is in your collection as to whether First legion "are a little more expensive than other manufacturer's" For me they are a huge savings and much more inexpensive . I have been collecting Russian made Connoisseur Figures , Privately commissioned Figures , Vehicles and AFV's for decades which can be many many times higher . Regards Gebhard
old fashioned hard work. working 40+ hours a week, and taking whats left over at the end of the week and giving it to Matt. sold my old kc guys to buy my first group, but nothing left now.
This week I sold the last of my K&C Crusaders and SOHK figures and sets so now I have a renewed bank roll. I plan to wait until this years Chicago OTSN show before I purchase any further FL AWI figures. I am hoping that by then we will have seen the new AWI offerings . . . . . BRITISH LIGHT INFANTRY I certianly hope . . . .
:smile2: Mike

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