How did this happen to me? My parents were married! (1 Viewer)



Everyone is invited to the Treefrog Officer's Club for drinks. I just got demoted from Senior Enlisted to Zero, I..I..I..I mean promoted to Officer. And my parents were married. Why did this happen to me?

I guess my former life as an enlisted navy and Engineering Warrant Officer type is rising to the occasion. The "Ring Knockers" (Academy graduates) and 90-day wonders always seemed to be a pain in the u-know-what until they reached Commander (O-5). Senior Enlisted, Mustangs, Limited Duty Officers, and Warrants make the navy go round. I kind’ a think the other services are the same. With the exception of the USAF. The last AF Warrant Officer retired about a decade ago and they have not used the rank since from what I understand.

So everybody better address me properly when posting on this forum, else you'll be standing tall before the "Old Person" (got’ a be PC as a responsible zero now. I prefer the term "hay you" or "you jerk, what the heck did you do now" if you what to use the proper address).

:D :D Michael
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