How do I identify/value Britains Deetail 70's era? (1 Viewer)


Nov 29, 2005
I've recently found a shoebox in the basement with a wide variety of toy soldiers. The bases are the green color and the bottom has the Britians LTD Deetail from the 70s. They have been played with, but are overall, I'd say, in pretty good shape. I've tried to search the web to identify what all the pieces are and discern a value to sell, but don't seem to see a lot of info. Can anyone provide suggestions on how to proceed? Literature? Websites? Local experts? I'm from central Iowa. Thanks for your help!
These sell on ebay at various prices from $2,$3- $10,$20 depending on the figure and mounted and napoleonics seem to get a little more money. They now are making copies of alot of theses now. I,m no expert in this field so maybe someone else can give you a better idea but i,m sure you,ll need to give them more info as to what you have and the condition there in. I,ve seen unopened boxed sets get real good prices on ebay.
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You have an expert on Britains in Iowa because thats where Richard Walker is located with the Britains Office there. There were a lot of the green metal based soldiers available from Britains during that time, they had an American Civil War set that had 5 or six poses in Blue and Grey and they had some mounted cavalry also. There was also a wild west set with cowboys and indians and some mexicans and some outlaws in varoius mounted and dismounted poses and a wooden fort that went with it. There was also a series of English Knights and Saracens for them to fight with a castle. They also had an extensive series of WWII soldiers from the US and Great Britain and Germany and Japan and Russia They also had a series of North Africa desert troops that were really cool looking. The most common ones were probably the Germans, Brits and US troops. There were a lot supporting sets too like a mortar team and machine gun teams etc. The Waterloo sets were not as common on this side of the pond so I have found them to be better sellers over here. I would go to Ebay and begin tracking prices for them there as well as contacting the Britains people in Iowa. Richard Walker is a member of this forum and will answer questions.

Hope this is helpful.

Just to add a little more to what has been said.

In the 1970s, the Deetail series consisted of a number of ranges. The soldiers were sold in various multi-piece sets, as well as individually. Like all toys, complete sets in the original box are worth much more than individual pieces. To the best of my recollection, the ranges were:

Civil War Union -- 6 infantry and 6 cavalry, Gatling gun w/ 2 man crew
Civil War Confederate -- 6 infantry and 6 cavalry, Gatling gun w/ 2 man crew

The Union and Confederate soldiers came from the same molds; they were just painted differently.

Cowboys -- 6 foot and 6 mounted
Indians -- 6 foot and 6 mounted
Mexicans -- 6 foot (I don't recall mounted -- anyone else?)
Apaches -- 6 foot (I don't recall any mounted)

French Foreign Legion -- 6 infantry, 6 cavalry, Gatling gun w/ 2 man crew
Arabs -- 6 foot, 6 mounted

Waterloo British -- 6 infantry (3 line, 3 highland) 6 cavalry (2 Life Guards, 2 Hussars, 2 Scots Greys)
Waterloo French -- 6 infantry (3 line, 3 Guards) 6 cavalry (2 Carabiniers, 2 Cuirassiers, 2 Chasseurs -- sorry, I'm bad with French!)

Knights -- 6 foot, 6 mounted -- other foot figures added in 1980s
Turks -- 6 foot, 6 mounted

WWII German Wehrmacht -- 12 foot figures (2nd 6 released late 70s/early 80s), mortar w/ 2 man crew, motorcycle with dispatch rider, kettengrad, kubelwagen with 2 man crew, PAK 40 gun (no crew).
WWII German Afrika Korps -- 6 foot figures, kubelwagen with crew
WWII British ETO -- 6 infantry, mortar w/ 2 man crew, motorcycle with dispatch rider, Daimler scout car w/ 2 man crew, 17 lb AT gun, 25 lb gun.
WWII British 8th Army -- 6 infantry, Vickers machine gun w/ 2 man crew, Daimler scout car w/ 2 man crew
WWII US Marines -- 6 infantry, recoilless rifle w/ 2 man crew, motorcycle with dispatch rider, pack howitzer
WWII US Army -- 6 infantry (later releases - about the time as the second set of Germans), Jeep with 2 man crew
WWII Japanese -- 6 infantry, recoilless rifle with 2 man crew.

In the 80s I think the Deetail line also included modern British paratroopers and Scots Guards.

One other item of interest. The first two cavalry figures I received (summer of '72) had tapered bases. That is, the front of the base was narrower than the back. All others that I subsequently received or purchased had uniform rectagular bases. All infantry had uniform rectagular bases. I think the new reproductions have oval bases.

Hope this is of some assistance.

BlackHat said:
Just to add a little more to what has been said.

Mexicans -- 6 foot (I don't recall mounted -- anyone else?)
Apaches -- 6 foot (I don't recall any mounted)

WWII German Afrika Korps -- 6 foot figures, kubelwagen with crew

Blackhat et al,

Yes, there were six mounted Mexicans and six mounted Apaches (the Apaches figures had more clothing than the regular Britains Indians).

The German Afrika Korps range also included a motor bike dispatch rider and a motorbike/side car combination with MG (both also available in ETO in dark brown finish). Btw the Kubelwagen A/Korps version is hard to get.

The British and Japanese figures were also issued in a two tone plastic finish that resembled camo'.

This site has a few pics etc:
Thank you for the links.

I compiled my list from memory aided by a battered catalog from 1976. The pages with the Mexicans and Apaches are missing. Also, this particular catalog does not show the AK motorcycle. Does this mean it was post-1976?

Some additional thought for anyone trying to date Deetail figures.

1) All of the figures I have seen have "1971" stamped on the bases. This doesn't mean the figure was made in 1971.

2) In the late 70s or early 80s, Britains simplified some of the poses. For example, 3 of the 6 ACW infantry were replaced with simplified models. The original poses of standing firing, kneeling firing, and advancing with fixed bayonet were of two piece construction. There was the main body and then the right arm and rifle were a separate piece glued into the shoulder. The later versions are all one solid piece. Also the advancing figure does not have a bayonet. Likewise, the WWII US Army figures are more simple than the WWII US Marines, and the later Germans also show a simpler style.

Finally a question for other Deetail collectors. OzDigger mentioned the two toned finish on some WWII figures. 3 of my Japanese have that finish. Does anyone know of other variations of Deetail figures?

For example, most all of the Waterloo French line figures that I've seen at shows have grey trousers. However, my figures cam in a boxed set (3 foot, 2 cavalry) purchased at Marshall Fields in Chicago in late 1973. My French line infantry have white trousers. Has anyone seen others like this?

Thank you,

Interesting thread this. It's hard to find others interested in Britains Deetail these days.

I've got pretty much them all from when i was a kid apart from the Wild West and ACW ones that i gave away unfortunately. I've got the Foreign Legion and Arab sets on display at the moment along with the WW2 North Afrika sets. The Napoleonic sets are cool too.

The Afrika Korps Kubelwagen and BMW combination are my favourite pieces in the entire range.
I've been a fan of Deetail figures for years and had close to the complete range at one stage. However a few years back I decided to concentrate on WWII based figures and models and sold off most of the pre and post WWII figs and vehicles. I found them a cheap and colorful entry point to figure collecting. My favs were the Napoleonic cavalry range, I recall taking a few years to obtain all twelve mounted poses. I suspect a few 'serious' collectors have a few Deetail figures hidden away somewhere. In fact I did keep my favourite mounted and foot foot pose in each series :)
So what would you guys think if Deetail got a face lift in 2006? Upgraded realistic bases with texture and more realistic/detailed painting? Bring back some old poses too possibly? And then look at some brand new figures in late 2006/early 2007? Periods you'd like to see?
Some plans underway to upgrade Deetail in 2006 - with more detailed painting, new more realistic bases with texture and even the re-release of a few old poses. And then all new poses and periods in late 2006/early 2007? Open to your ideas and thoughts for new Deetail!
I'd like to see some new Deetail figures. when i was a kid i loved collecting this stuff. I even still have the Britains Space stuff.

I'd like to see more WW2. It would be great to see some German Paras, Russians, Japanese...Oh the list could go on.

Napoleonics would be great as well.

I really hope this new line goes ahead.

I think there's a place in the market for affordable, well detailed plastic figures to go alongside all the great Forces of Valor vehicles.
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WBritain said:
Some plans underway to upgrade Deetail in 2006 - with more detailed painting, new more realistic bases with texture and even the re-release of a few old poses. And then all new poses and periods in late 2006/early 2007? Open to your ideas and thoughts for new Deetail!

I'm sure more detailed painting and new moulds and poses would make the range more attractive to collectors as well as the general public.

Btw, I haven't noticed any new Deetail products in Australian Toy shops etc for several years. However I'm sure there is a market downunder and globally for well made and affordable colored plastic figures. I base this on the presence of other companies that have set up attractive displays in local shops of Knights, Dragons, Animals etc. Specialised display racks make a product more noticable and give it a unique identity.

As for suggestions: I would highly recommend the reintroduction of the World War Two (especially Germans) and the Napoleonic (Cavalry and Foot) ranges. The later would be very attractive with better painting as the earlier versions lacked detail.
Like others on this thread, I acquired most of my Deetail figures as a child. I have picked some here and there as I find something interesting at a reasonable price.

As far as new releases of old figures, I think upgraded painting would be great. However, I think one must seriously think about the target market here. Would these be aimed at collectors? children in general? the children of collectors?

My son is a little too young for these yet, but, if they were affordable, I would gladly get some for him when he's a few years older.

If new figures are contemplated, my suggestions include:

1) ACW -- zouaves, Berdan's sharpshooters, Iron Brigade, standard bearers with an Irish Brigade flag.

2) Waterloo -- This is a range with huge potential for expansion. Trying to depict the variety of the time with a total of 24 figures is tough. How about light infantry, rifles, Inniskilling Dragoons, Empress Dragoons, and lancers?

3) For a whole new range, may I suggest the War for Independence? That could be rather popular in the US.

Hi All,

For new figures I too would like to see the Berdans as well as Americn Revolution or French and Indian War figures also I would like to see the Napoleonics range expanded so the diorama displays could be expanded by combining the metal and plastic figures in a economical form as much as I would like to have all metal in the Waterloo diplay I think I would have to take out a second mortgage to do it.:eek:

Anyway I am very glad that this line came back and cant wait to introduce my 4 year old son to it:)

I,m glad to see all the requests for napoleonics. I love the idea of better detail and better painting I,d also like to see you guys loose the metal base and have a base with some ground detail on it to make it look more natural(leaves, rocks,some texture!).This would help keep the price down also. AS far as what napoleonics? I,d like to see more waterloo as I,m sure it would be the most popular but how about doing some of the other troops at the battle that every one else always leaves out like for starters PRUSSAINS!!!!! How is it that no one makes any prussains??? If it were not for the prussains it is a sure thing that the battle would have gone to the french. In wellingtons words it was a near run thing. Well then how would the battle have gone without 48,000 prussains in napoleons right flank and rear??? And still no one is making any plastic prussains. I,d also like to see some nassau troops also as they and the british guards were the ones who held hougomont under never ending french asualts that were so vital to the out come of the battle but the credit always gos to the british alone.I,d realy like to see nassau grenadiers. And of course you,ll need british and french troops about some french with shako covers and over coats a rough campaign look. And for cavalry how about some polish lanciers. I think it would be good to fill in the gaps that the other plastic companies have missed. I,m sure all of these would sell well becuase they aren,t available from any one else . I,ve seen many guys for years (myself inclued) doing hack conversions to make up for these missing pieces of the puzzle. Britains is very welcome in my book to start filling in those pieces. Thank you britains and welcome back. Now go make us some PRUSSAINS!!!!!:D
Keep the ideas coming - you guys are all coming up with what is on our top 10 list - good to hear it confirmed and to know we are all on the right track. How about metal bases with rocks, texture, grass etc? A good point was raised earlier about who we are selling to - children #1 - not because I do not appreciate the older collectors like you all and myself - but because many of you have kids and really want something cool to give to them - and there is the practical fact that we all love this hobby and want to see it grow and thrive for another 100 years and we need new younger collectors to do that. And of course as a business I want Britains to be around for another 100 years too! Metal bases are still on the list - at the monent - as they will stand up on the carpet for kids to play with - remember those days???? (I "help" my three old son set up battles now - its a "chore" but someone has to do it .....), but also very realistic so you are happy and so are the younger collectors - they expect more now than we did 30 years ago - thanks to video games, computers and TV that knocks your sox off. I would hope to make figures and periods that appeal to the new younger collectors but also capture your interest and imagination as well - I think it is possible. I am really intrigued by Papo and Schleich as well as the unpainted figures out there on plastic bases - many issues here - size/scale, base material, painted/unpainted - would love to hear what you guys think is good, bad and why - not only for you but also for our children/younger collectors .

Hi Guys,

I am glad the Prussians were mentioned too. As for the metal bases when I was a kid and used them on my outdoor diorama(10x10) I would sink the bases into the dirt until the shoes were the only thing showing so they would look better so I think its relatively the same when building a smaller display to go ahead and set it up then dremel or with a small really sharp chisell trim out enough base material to do the same. But I think that Richard is right the metal bases do stand up better to the kids I know I still have some of the figures I played with when I was a kid and their bases are fine. So if they can stand up to a long time in the yard I'd say it was right on the money. Anyway cant wait to see whats coming soon!

I knew that I would affend the fans of the old classic details by sugesting plastic bases but what about like you said, how about a metal base that is flocked with some grass, rocks, broken branches, leaves ect. Also the britains knock offs that are out right now are avaible in painted and unpainted versions, as also are the conte cival war (which i hope your new britains will be of at least the same or greater quailty). Do you plan on having unpainted versions also for those who like to paint there own figures? And do you have an idea as to how long before we can expect to see them? Another area that i,ve never seen touched in plastic is the crimian war(yes i,m sure i spelled that wrong). If I were in the toy soldier buss. I would try to fill in some of the gaps in the lines of plastic toy soldiers companies. Find all the missing links like the prussains i sugested earlier and russian napoleonics the troops that the other companies are missing and i think you,ll sell alot of them.
I think the suggestions for Napoleonic Prussians and Crimean War figures are great. The Prussian role in the battle seems to be forgotten by many in the hobby. The Crimean War offers fascinating possibilities -- Coldstream Guards, Black Watch, the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, the Light Brigade, French Zouaves, Sardinian Bersagliari, Russians, Turks and so on.

For children's toys, I like the idea of metal bases, though perhaps they could be enhanced from the plain green ones of the 70s. My brother and I conducted many battles with our Deetail soldiers. We'd build fortifications out of wooden blocks and Lincoln Logs. They we'd deploy our troops and use Legos as missles to knock down the opposing forces. (Hence, most of my original Deetails are not of collectible quality.) The metal bases were great. You needed a direct hit to knock down a Deetail soldier -- a glancing blow would not do. In the mean time, we could knock over dozens of our friends' monochrome plastic soldiers with plastic bases. A few squads of Deetails could hold off large numbers of the basic "green army men." But I digress . . .

For collectibles, I agree that more detailed bases are needed.

With all that I've heard, I'm getting rather excited about what the future might hold. By the way, my son is 4, too. He loves looking at my collection, and I would like to be able to get him some good quality toy soldiers to play with soon.


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