Like everything else, the fitting of the plywood sheets takes a long time and a little planning ,to have maximum access to the interior for gluing purposes.I first made up paper templates and cut the plywood oversize and sanded it down to fit,piece by piece.
Before heat bending with the curling iron,I soaked the plywood in plain water for about 5 mins and then dunked it in ammonia to soften up the wood fibers.
I will leave the cockpit area open for now until all interior work in this area is finished.I am a little tempted to leave a few panels off to show the fuselage interior but I haven"t yet come up with a good excuse to do so.
The pilot would have been removed before the fire really took hold and the rear part of the fuselage placed where it is by the rescue crew, in an attempt to get at the pilot.Therefore ,the tail section would have suffered some fire damage laying on top of the wing like that.The fabric tail surfaces would have had the same fate as the wings.The only thing joining the two pieces together will be the control cables joining the controls to the elevator and rudder.The horizontal stab sort of hooks on the the lower wing at an odd angle which makes for an interesting storyline for those who want to stop to figure it out.