How I build large scale dioramas! (1 Viewer)

Your work is amazing John, I don't know what else to say. The windows are brilliant. You can almost imagine the curtains blowing in the breeze through the open windows.
How to rig a ship model.
I don't know if any of you guys are ship modelers but I have something on my photobucket that may be of interest.I spent a long time rigging an 1/72 scale HMS Victory before I took up 1/16th aircraft dioramas.I have started an album on how to rig this ship.Look for the album titled Friggin' in the Riggin' in my photobucket.
Believe me after that aircraft were easy! Cheers.John.
"Once upon a time......." Storyboard dioramas by JohnReid.
My photobucket:
Guys,you may have noticed that I have slacked off a bit on this build.There is a good explanation for this and it is not what you may think, it is an attempt to do two projects at once.No not another diorama but something that I always promised myself to do and that is to write a little online booklet on how I rigged my 1/72 scale HMS Victory ship model.Right now there is precious little out there for the inexperienced rigger on the proper sequence to use when rigging a ship-of-the line.Lots of info on this or that but just about none on sequence and as you biplane modelers know this can be crucial to success in rigging anything.Cheers! John.
The windows are finished so now it is on to the two back doors.They will be of simple design being in the backyard.I plan a single window near the top.You will notice that doors were much narrower in those days. The figure looks about right standing in the door however you will see that the back is not finely carved as it doesn't show when placed properly in the diorama.It is also now quite shiny due to too much handling and will have to be re-painted.After the doors will come the porch and stairs which should be lots of fun!
The above pic color is the closest to the facade's real color as it sits indoors.The next sunny day I"ll take it outside and see how it looks.I have started to weather this panel using dark grey and black pastels .I have also used an old toothbrush and sprayed a little very thin coat of raw umber acrylic over the whole facade to give it an older look.

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