Museum Quality,what is it anyway?
I first heard of the term when Model Expo advertised their 1/16th aircraft as museum quality.I thought even back then wouldn't it be nice to build something and have it displayed at a library ,city hall or maybe even the local museum.
I had been into decorative bird art for some time and even taught it to adults for a long time.
People liked my stuff so I began to get illusions (delusions) of grandeur in my head and decide to compete at the World Championships at Ocean City Maryland.I worked a whole year on one piece and thought it was pretty good,so I drove down and entered it in competition.My friends and even some of the guys I was competing against thought it was a winner.
Well the day the prizes were given out came and to my surprise it got zero,not even an honorable mention.Competitors were encouraged to ask the judges were they went wrong so that they could improve for next year.I appraoach the head judge,a world champ carver himself for some advise.The first thing he said was were did you get the color for the flicker,which was thr prey bird in a preditor/prey composition.I asked him what he meant and he said the flickers from where he was from out west where not yellow.I explained that this was an Eastern Flicker and they are yellow.Well he looked a little embarrassed and walked away.There and then I decided to never put myself in that position again,competeing was not for me.
However, I still had this desire to excel at something connected with art.I sat myself down at almost 60 years old and said well what do you know best? The answer was obvious ,aviation and especially the era before the jets.Hadn't I already built a full scale 1929 biplane with my dad in the sixties?
I didn't want to compete again so I only displayed my models at a few shows and they liked them.
It was around this time that the museum quality bug hit me.
to be cont.....