How Many And How Often ?? (1 Viewer)

cement shoes

Apr 24, 2005
How many sets do you have (if you keep count) and how often do you buy a set?
Personally I only started collecting K@C in February after seeing some figures on ebay, and I now have 14 sets (including 4 personallity sets). My wife is about to kill me, but I can't stop.
Anyone else have this problem?

I'm about to buy the retired Matilda, but she dosent know yet!
I really hadn't been counting but you've made me. If I'm haven't missed something, I'm upto 101. I never would have imagine I sunk this deep into K&C. It all just started with "Oh..I'll just buy a set or two."
As for my wife, I don't even show her the new sets and with all the ones I have already, the new ones just sort of blend on in. She doesn't mind really that they come in. She just doesn't have any interest in them. Now the monetary side of it......I know not to share that part of it.
I have 171 K&C sets including single sets and duplicates. How often just depends on my mood or if I think some will sell out or retired. I forgot to add the diorama pieces and recent warbirds. So its 182.
I started collecting Napoleonic soldiers last year and I'm determined to form square two ranks deep, with French Dragoons attacking. It hurts , it hurts bad :D But they look so cool.
I've been only collecting for a year but I must have 110 sets, that's way too much money. As I think someone here said (maybe victory), "oh, the debt."
I just started collecting 2 months ago maybe

I have seven sets

because two are retired and popular Im already out $1050

Plus i havent picked up my ws 69 stug yet

and then theres the Tommy patrol and staghound

and then the new german bob sets coming out

trip to england for Dec. 3rd show................

darn you K&C darn You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi I've been at it for 7 years, I stumbled over King & Country while visiting my daughter in NYC when she was fresh out of law school. She sent me down to a little shop on Sullivan St. because she new I collected military figures.
It's Gideons shop "Classic Toys" be sure to visit him if you go to New York.
Back then there were only a few dealers and almost nothing on the internet.
I'm up over 200 sets now but this forum and talking and meeting all these terrific people has helped me fill in a lot of information about this terrific product.
I would like to say thanks to Louis, Bill, Shannon, Brad, Alex, and everyone else that has been so helpful. Oh and thanks to Andy for this wonderful product line.
I see an expensive future for myself. I started collecting at the beginning of the year and now have over 50 sets :(
Andy this count will make you happy, guys don,t get mad. I started a little over 3 years ago, now when I counted sets that takes into account if an individual figure has a number, then I list it as a set, ae: Romans, Napolianics, The West, Rough Riders. eary Rev. War, just counted I have a tad over 400.
Don,t want to tell you where I live as I fear I will have a burglary at my house.
Guys, I've been collecting for about 11 years, and I couldn't count the sets I have. Lets put it this way, I have 45 wood metal and resin vehicles, more than 65 polystone vehicles, more than 40 wood aircraft, both polystone aircraft, every single set of WWII figures except for the two sets of free french, every set of Vietnam figures, all of the more recent Afghanistan/Iraq sets, at least 50 sets of Streets of Hong Kong, and all but about 20 of the early glossy sets. I would estimate that I have at least 750 sets, probably more. I buy all the new sets as they come out.
I've only been collecting this year. I have 10 sets. I kind of aim to buy one a month roughly.
I've started collecting K&C in february of this year, and I have 10 sets now ( about 10 others soon on the way). I buy a few pieces every 2 or 3 months.
Too many and too often was my habit but it looks like I finally might have purchased a house so there goes that routine.The good side of this, I will have a war room to display this stuff finally.I think I'm at the 125-130 range for K&C stuff.All WWII.Second is the Dragon 1/72 armour at almost 60 tanks and then the 21st Century 1/18 planes and armour and 32x sets.It never ends!!!! :rolleyes: Or does it.......
I have also just gone to contract on a house, which I will be closing on in a couple of weeks. On the plus side, I will be able to display my entire collection (there is a huge 3 room walk-up attic) and I intend to host the cocktail party portion of the New York Symposium there (as opposed to my tiny 750 square foot apartment) in March, 2006. On the minus side (from a collectors perspective) the extra $2000 per month in mortage payments is definitely going to slow down my consumption of K&C products in future. But, again on the plus side, with the three guest bedrooms, I can put Andy, Doug Luna and Hans Hedrich up for the weekend, and have pretty much all night B.S. sessions at the symposium!! I can't wait until March!!
I just had some contractors finish adding an extra room to my house. As I start on the interior of this office/hobby room I might ask for some suggestions on built in cabinet, lighting, and etc.
I was averaging about three sets a month but have drastically slowed down my purchasing as well as I contemplate adding on to my home. I'm just too overwhelmed with clutter...I mean collectibles and its no fun to buy something new and have to decide what old has to go back into the box to make room.

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