How to model a 2D Flat-Elephant (1 Viewer)



Boris.jpglearn E.jpg
A quick..reasonably simple method of making a FLAT model of an Elephant.....get a pic of any elephant...print..then trace outline with greaseproof paper or paper that is used for lining the baking trays for cake's etc.....trace image from pic...transfer image to cardboard..cut out and you have a tempt plate to build the model on.... you can model directly onto the cutout or use it as a guide.....hope I have'nt confused any-one.......I will add further steps as I get around to it....TomB
Very simple Tom, yet I probably would never have thought of it. This would be a neat way to go if you wanted to make a bas-relief of a line of could even cast a copy of the one and then press the copies into more Sculpey.
Very simple Tom, yet I probably would never have thought of it. This would be a neat way to go if you wanted to make a bas-relief of a line of could even cast a copy of the one and then press the copies into more Sculpey.
Spot on Capt'n.......I am going to try pressing "Boris" into plasticine when I finish .......easier than sculpey.....a sculpey press is too ridged have a lot of trouble getting undercuts out...though you can reheat the sculpey press and bend it around...but that aint really any-good...with plasticine you just pull it apart....I have some instant drying resin or plastic or whatever at the moment and it dont stick to the the plasticine can be reused any amount of times...takes more time but what the hell....the bas-relief is a good idea.....will think about that.......will have some more pics of Boris soon.....thanks for the reply...cheers Tom
Interesting way to create and design these sculpts. Look forward to the progression of this
2D elephant two

Boris two.jpg
Boris...joined together...baked in method with sculpey is to add bake..add I progress,,,I do not model figs from an armature,,,too hard...for me anyone starting modelling...sure watch the pro's on U Tube or read a book...but find a method that works for you....stick wire into arms..legs,,torso' need to do this to keep figs stable and firm to work on...whatever works for it...
Will finish head next,,then think about adding figs or not....TomB
2 D Elehant Three

Finished.....I think Grey is average color for Elephants....TomB
Re: 2 D Elehant Three

very nice. been enjoyable and informative watching it develop.
Re: 2 D Elehant Three

Absolutely fantastic.

You got a wonderful talent. {bravo}}

Gee … I wish they have Elephants in 1776 Colonial America. I would 100% order some from you.

I wonder if I could have Lord Cornwallis, General Gage or maybe even Washington on a grey Goliath instead of their horses. Do you think anyone would notice? ^&confuse

Super superb work Tom.
Re: 2 D Elehant Three

Absolutely fantastic.

You got a wonderful talent. {bravo}}

Gee … I wish they have Elephants in 1776 Colonial America. I would 100% order some from you.

I wonder if I could have Lord Cornwallis, General Gage or maybe even Washington on a grey Goliath instead of their horses. Do you think anyone would notice? ^&confuse

Super superb work Tom.
Re: 2 D Elehant Three

Absolutely fantastic.

You got a wonderful talent. {bravo}}

Gee … I wish they have Elephants in 1776 Colonial America. I would 100% order some from you.

I wonder if I could have Lord Cornwallis, General Gage or maybe even Washington on a grey Goliath instead of their horses. Do you think anyone would notice? ^&confuse

Super superb work Tom.
Just checked the net,,plumb outta Goliath saddles........maybe he could ride piggy-back....Cornwallis..I dont think he was too bright...maybe he would not have noticed...cheers Tom

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