How to select which collection? (3 Viewers)

He who dies with the most toys wins . . . and I hate to lose! Collect everything you are interested in, and enjoy.
Right now I am feeling a lot like Wadepat. I started with WWII ( figures, tanks, aircraft ), but I also have Napoleonic, ACW, Zulu War and Delhi Durbar figures from various manufacturers, both matte or gloss. I don't worry about getting everything from an era or line, I like diversity. Because of room, and money ( you got to get real :eek: ), but also because of what I like, my main interests go to WWII and Napoleonics. But have you seen the ACW traditional figures from Shenandoah? I might get them in the future for their quality alone, irrespective of the era they represent. Buying from the Internet will always make me do some mistakes and my interests surely change over time. Then we have E bay or other ways of connecting collectors. A very interesting and enjoyable experience, that's how I feel about collecting, it's not just the joy of having and displaying what you like but also the pleasure of the hunting;) ...
This is no advice, however, I have only been collecting for about two years and I think there can be no hard rules on collecting. Your collecting experience will tell you the way, just like mine is telling me;) . Enjoy!
Right now I am feeling a lot like Wadepat. I started with WWII ( figures, tanks, aircraft ), but I also have Napoleonic, ACW, Zulu War and Delhi Durbar figures from various manufacturers, both matte or gloss. I don't worry about getting everything from an era or line, I like diversity. Because of room, and money ( you got to get real :eek: ), but also because of what I like, my main interests go to WWII and Napoleonics. But have you seen the ACW traditional figures from Shenandoah? I might get them in the future for their quality alone, irrespective of the era they represent. Buying from the Internet will always make me do some mistakes and my interests surely change over time. Then we have E bay or other ways of connecting collectors. A very interesting and enjoyable experience, that's how I feel about collecting, it's not just the joy of having and displaying what you like but also the pleasure of the hunting;) ...
This is no advice, however, I have only been collecting for about two years and I think there can be no hard rules on collecting. Your collecting experience will tell you the way, just like mine is telling me;) . Enjoy!


I very much like what you say about letting your collecting experience be your guide. Obviously, your collecting philosophy and mine seem to parallel each other. Once I allowed myself permission to pursue diversity, I became a much happier collector. If one's passion is a single era (i.e., WWII, Naploeonic Wars, etc.) then collecting only figures of that era makes sense. If, however, one's interest are diverse, then it is more exciting to me to have samples of most of the lines that illustrate one's diverse interests. I know that a collection that is deep in a single era has more market value than a widely diverse collection, but I collect for pleasure and satisfaction rather than collecting for a financial return.

There is wisdom expressed in all the advice exhibited on this thread. The advice, however, is somewhat diverse. Your post, I think, captures the real wisdom of all the advice which has been given: let your experience and interests (specific or diverse) be your guide for your collecting journey. One's only real limitations for collecting are one's time, space, and budget.

Warmest personal regards,

Hi guys,
really glad i asked this question. I see that we are many in the same position. This morning i went ot my local shop and guess what? I fell into tempation and purchased some Napoleonic sets. I got two actualy : NA026
Name: Mounted Napoleon and Mameluke Servan & NA087
Name: Seizing the Colour. Wow they are simply amazing. I've been staring at them for the past two hrs.

One more question to you all... How do you know you are obsessed? well if your opening page in internet explorer is K&C's web site, thats a good hint! :D

Thanks for sharing guys!

One more question to you all... How do you know you are obsessed? well if your opening page in internet explorer is K&C's web site, thats a good hint! :D



The fact that you asked the question indicates that you probably are. :p

The other 385 forum members are not in fact obsessed.

They are in a state, commonly referred to by the medical fraternity as, denial. :eek:

I'm not obsessed but I'm going to that river Simon is talking about. I'll bet they have some good Trophy soldiers down there:eek:
I'm not obsessed but I'm going to that river Simon is talking about. I'll bet they have some good Trophy soldiers down there:eek:

See what I mean? Denial - classic case. I fear there is no hope for this one :D
My name is Wraith and I am a K&C Obsessive Compulsive. It has been 23 hours and 47 minutes since my last K&C purchase. I....ooh, hang on, there's one on ebay that's close to finishing. Back in a minute....
If you did, you would probably be the President of the chapter, if not the whole association :D
Have you seen the new releases, and heard the news about the upcoming stuff unveiled at the London Show? New warbirds, WWI, Afrika Corps & Italian Blackshirts! I have boat loads of stuff yet to obtain!!
i rather not think about it, i could see my bank account with a nice big 0$ in it already!

Anybody wanna buy my kidney?

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