I finally posted my Crusader photos! (2 Viewers)


Private 2
Jan 9, 2008
check them out in my albums. I have to thank Treefrog and George from Minute Man Soldiers for suppling me with all the knights and Saracens. I will post more pictures soon. I hope you enjoy them.
Very nice that is quite a large collection !!! Are they displayed in an aquarium?
Very nice that is quite a large collection !!! Are they displayed in an aquarium?

I asked him the same question. his collection is displayed in a jewelers case he bought off of Craig's List. Certainly a great looking collection.

Great looking display! Thanks for sharing the photos.
Excellent collection mate, how many do you have there and how long did it take you?
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the pictures. I became a k&c collector back in 2006 when the crusaders were first released. I have about 200 pieces now. I'm so addicted to this line!!! I hope k&c will make more crusaders soon! I think, I have to wait till sep.09 for new troops.
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the pictures. I became a k&c collector back in 2006 when the crusaders were first released. I have about 200 pieces now. I'm so addicted to this line!!! I hope k&c will make more crusaders soon! I think, I have to wait till sep.09 for new troops.

I know what you mean about being addicted! Is there a methadone clinic equivalent for toy soldieries?
Great find from Craig's List. Does the job of showcasing!
WOW ! :eek: :eek: :eek:

What a great collection - Love the display case !

Outstanding GTO - Outstanding ! :cool:
check them out in my albums. I have to thank Treefrog and George from Minute Man Soldiers for suppling me with all the knights and Saracens. I will post more pictures soon. I hope you enjoy them.

Your collection looks great.In one of your photo's your display case looks like a large fish tank on a stand.That gives me a idea about larger dioramas in fish tanks.Something for me to think about in the future.Simmo.
Spectacular collection and brilliant diorama, all you need now is Orlando Bloom and you've got a scene from Kingdom of Heaven there! :D
Now thats what i'd call a diorama!! Simply well laid out and displayed. Awesome stuff.
Can you show some closer shots of your castle and who's it made by.
Can you show some closer shots of your castle and who's it made by.

Mark, the castle is the JG Miniature Ancient City Walls and Towers like the ones I have used in my dioramas. He has also incorporated the Ancient City Gate into his scenario which I haven't done.

thanks for the comments. i also have two more seige towers and another wall section. but, i can't get them to fit in. maybe i need to find another display case? oh, almost forgot. i added more pictures to my album. check em out!

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