I need a AWI "FIX" (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant Colonel
Feb 12, 2008
My hands are starting to shake uncontrollably, I have the "sweats", I am incredibly anxious, my mouth is dry . . . . good gawd man I need an AWI fix!!!! {eek3}. I hope we see a new release soon . . . just saying . . . . .
{sm4} Mike
My hands are starting to shake uncontrollably, I have the "sweats", I am incredibly anxious, my mouth is dry . . . . good gawd man I need an AWI fix!!!! {eek3}. I hope we see a new release soon . . . just saying . . . . .
{sm4} Mike

I sure hope you get some Mike :wink2: My Romans just shipped today also got the new Gordon's to get and then there are those beautiful looking Austrians , the 95th and the Brunswickers all just around the corner {sm4} and I'm starting to fall behind in the Crusaders and of course the new stuff coming for Stalingrad {eek3} . I'm broke for the foreseeable future :redface2:.. I sure hope AWI and ACW get some big releases soon , I need a break and they are nice to look at and it don't cost a dime to look . Regards Gebhard
I sure hope you get some Mike :wink2: My Romans just shipped today also got the new Gordon's to get and then there are those beautiful looking Austrians , the 95th and the Brunswickers all just around the corner {sm4} and I'm starting to fall behind in the Crusaders and of course the new stuff coming for Stalingrad {eek3} . I'm broke for the foreseeable future :redface2:.. I sure hope AWI and ACW get some big releases soon , I need a break and they are nice to look at and it don't cost a dime to look . Regards Gebhard

I understand your financial pain Gebhard . . . that's why I am trying to discipline myself to just AWI . . . although there are a lot of temptations being offered . . .
{sm4} Mike
Ordered today Gordon mounted Major
Sergeant and Gordon kiss this
also AWI Brit drummer
Gotta keep filling in my Naps and AWI
Thank God that i only collect Naps and AWI
The rest i admirer, no charge
Maple Leaf
Ordered today Gordon mounted Major
Sergeant and Gordon kiss this
also AWI Brit drummer
Gotta keep filling in my Naps and AWI
Thank God that i only collect Naps and AWI
The rest i admirer, no charge
Maple Leaf

Yes, resistance is difficult. I forayed into AWI and Napoleonic and now am drooling over the FL Romans (must have at least 2 or 3 or 10). That aside from the 4 or 5 other ranges I collect through other manufacturers. And of course, FL has those great Union cavalry coming - and it just so happens the one gap in my large ACW collection is Union cavalry, and I just returned from a 5th trip to Gettysburg. I really need to start buying lottery tickets.
Yes, please more AWI, how about a Valley Forge encampment, or bring on the New York, or Delaware regulars. The French or Hessians. So much to want.
Some Hessian Jagers would be nice, don't think they have been done by anyone before?????^&confuse
I think they re a while away yet but it would be good if Matt could show us a little sample of what is to come next.
I have my hands full anyway with all these good Nap releases at the moment, not to mention Burfords cavalry coming and Romans. The good thing is we don't have to panic buy.
You can count me in on this too. If I remember correctly, Matt said he would release his sets sequentially according to the order that the battles/events occurred. So if he began at Bunker Hill could something from the NY campaigns be next? Or probably the battles of Trenton and Princeton?

I'm with you Mike and the others here, anything AWI would suffice and soon!

You can count me in on this too. If I remember correctly, Matt said he would release his sets sequentially according to the order that the battles/events occurred. So if he began at Bunker Hill could something from the NY campaigns be next? Or probably the battles of Trenton and Princeton?

I'm with you Mike and the others here, anything AWI would suffice and soon!


I think Mark is right about the sequential battles, so I wouldn't be suprised if the Battle of Long Island or Battle of White Plains is next. Those battles were large, so there are plenty of choices as to the next release. However, Arnold's march into Quebec happened in late 1775, so that might be an interesting, if unorthodox idea.

Yes, please more AWI, how about a Valley Forge encampment, or bring on the New York, or Delaware regulars. The French or Hessians. So much to want.

The Delawares are a good a idea, but I would take any of the early Continental regiments to supplement the militia. I know that Glover's Regiment was central to much of the actions in 1776 and would be a good one to add as well. Some Hessians would also be nice and would be a good fit if the next release was based on the 1776 battles in New York.

I could go on and on, but for now, we just have to be patient!

Would be nice to see whats coming next for AWI.....But at the mean time I have Mamluks to buy.... and may pick up two Romans.
Yes, please more AWI, how about a Valley Forge encampment, or bring on the New York, or Delaware regulars. The French or Hessians. So much to want.

Oh yes, gotta' go with Shark and REVWARBUFF .... Hessians! Battle of Trenton has been a big desire to do for a long time. The K&C are good .... but .... can you imagine some FL Hessian sets waking up on a cold December morning to see George W. and friends at the front door!!!!!
Regardless of the historical context, I do hope that the British figures are of Hat Company regulars or Light Infantry figures. I sometimes think that Grenadiers are overdone especially when cosidering that they represented only one company out of the entire regiment . . . . really hoping to see Light Bobs . . .
:smile2: Mike

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