Idea About Denison Smock 'P' Problem (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Just had a thought! If it is the Denison smocks which impact on the figures; thus making them 'P' figures, then if Andy released some paras in battledress or shirts, maybe wounded, medics, captured paras or officers in berets having a meeting the problem of smocks would be well avoided and the cost cpuld be kept down!

SIMPLES! :wink2:

Are you sure he wants to keep the prices down? :wink2:

In modern industry, not only toysoldiers, but take ex. mobile telephones, the strategy is to increase the prices, adding more services, gadgets which justify the price increase..
The camo smocks are the reason I collect the series, would not like them to go. For me they identify the Arnhem conflict. Robin.

It would do nothing to price and, how many Para's did not have the Dennison on?? I still was never answered why these because of a camo jacket are as expensive and German camo was never needed to be put in a high price range or, affix a 'P' to it when from a painters stand point it is much more difficult to paint correctly.

P was introduced for a small group of people who wanted a continuation of the range but, in a manufacturers standpoint a range was not a best seller and, the additional profit made it worth doing. Excuse me, IMO that is!

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