Idea for new LAH set (1 Viewer)

Mr Man

Private 2
Dec 9, 2005
I've heard that Andy is very fond of the movie "Downfall". How about some LAH sets of the last days in the bunker. They could do Adolph, Eva and the dogs being discovered by the SS guards after the final act. Perhaps it might be a little too ghoulish? Might help the store owners who have to put up with grief from anti Nazi zealots? What do you think?
I think the sets are a good idea, but I don't think they belong in the LAH-range. You'd better make it a part of Berlin '45, because this stuff would be so different from the 'parade stuff' of the LAH.
Sorry,but what do you mean by anti nazi "zealots"?.
Yep surely being Anti Nazi is a good thing. "Zealot" implies there's something crazy about being anti Nazi.

Count me in with the zealots. I wouldn't have that stuff in my house.
As usual, some folks just don't get it. I used the term zealot for a reason. Most of us (I'm sure there is the odd pro nazi out there in the closet) are anti nazi but, we understand their place in history and don't activate over a line of toy soldiers on a store shelf. The zealot would be a person who makes a scene in the store, death threats against the vendor, commits acts of vandalism, etc... THAT is my definition of "zealot" in this situation. That clear it up any?
Mr Man said:
I've heard that Andy is very fond of the movie "Downfall". How about some LAH sets of the last days in the bunker. They could do Adolph, Eva and the dogs being discovered by the SS guards after the final act. Perhaps it might be a little too ghoulish? Might help the store owners who have to put up with grief from anti Nazi zealots? What do you think?

Mr. Man,
I believe in live and let live. If someone wants to collect LAH sets, then collect 'em, I won't. I somebody wants to sell them, sell them. But if some have to become violent and disruptive to get their point across (like the zealots you have mentioned), they are a pain in the a^% and their behavior should be corrected in some manner (jail if necessary, perhaps time spent in a concentration camp doing some public service work, etc.). Consequences for actions, that sort-of-thing.

I don't believe your comment said anything other than what I just expressed, so you did not offend me. In fact after re-reading it again, I think you were right on the money. Perhaps something so ghoulish is in order. :rolleyes: Michael
I wonder if one would be a zealot if he'd lost family to the gas chambers. It's not the soldiers themselves but what they represent. Having a depiction of Heydrich in my house? No thanks. This would dishonor the memory of members of my family who went into the camps and never came out.

I completely understand your position, and offer my regrets for your personal
loss. I used to work for the Airlines (Mohawk) out of Newark Airport when I was very young. I had the opportunity to travel to Europe many times. On one such visit to Munich Germany I visited Dachau now reduced to a tiny fraction of its original size. It was the most horrible place I have ever experienced in my life. The feeling of suffering was unbelievable. One has to wonder why anyone had to suffer like that, God or whoever one believes in must have taken the day off. And I certainly mean no disrespect toward anyones religious beliefs.

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I personaly would not collect the, Lah series .But realy how much seperation is their between them and the SS combat figures that are relised,these would have been the same guys in their combat dress as opposed to their parade uniforms.I think if i had suffered some form of personal loss, the fact they are wearing camo wouldnt make having them in my home any more acceptable.
I'm with Easy and Brad on this one.Wouldn't want them in my house.
vandilay said:
I personaly would not collect the, Lah series .But realy how much seperation is their between them and the SS combat figures that are relised,these would have been the same guys in their combat dress as opposed to their parade uniforms.I think if i had suffered some form of personal loss, the fact they are wearing camo wouldnt make having them in my home any more acceptable.

I see your point on this one and I wondered the same thing myself in the past. Some of the guys on this forum though pointed out that these were good quality fighting troops that provided tough opposition for our guys. Thus having them on display is kind of honouring the Allied forces and provides a bad guy for them to fight. Also they are just generic soldiers not historical "personalities".

The LAH series for me is too much like a shrine. I really can't see the point in making miniatures of creatures like Heydrich, Goebbels and Himmler.

I agree the LAH series is beautiful to look at but i wonder how many Germans were equally as impressed by the spectacular parades at Nuremburg and decided voting Nazi was a good thing to do?
In simple terms, when I played with my army men, the good guys were the best figures I could buy or ask for at Christmas, and the " bad "guys ,usually were the discount, cheesy stuff, and the bad guys always lost every battle..It has been the same for me growing up as to knowing history and the bad guys negative impact on it....But whether ,its playing soldiers with your kids or grand kids or setting up displays or diaramas, you need the bad guys figures..You never glorify them by owning them, but you just make sure that they always lose...This is how I would have answered this post at the age of 7. ( and yes, the bad guys were the nazis..for those who need know ) Michael PS I own about 6 to 1 ratio of allies to axis...I never GREW UP
Its funny how this debate (Waffen SS vs. LAH) keeps coming up. I am not going to restate my position (which I have made abundantly clear in past posts), but I will mention this, the idea of a dead Hitler and Eva Braun (as well as several other dead Nazi figures, like Mussolini hanging from the meathook) was discussed by Andy and myself at the Boston Show last summer, and he was intriged, so it may be possible.
The intent of the thread here, is not to discuss the right or wrong of it, the LAH line ALREADY exists. The point is a possible addition to a popular line (and it is popular). If you don't like them and wouldn't collect them, please take you your negative comments elsewhere, we get it. Can we have a discussion about Toy Soldiers, not politics? Since the Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians, shall we eliminate the Ancient Egypt line? Since the Romans slaughtered the Jews and Christians, should we eliminate that line too? You always here people who were persecuted cry "we shall never forget" yet, they are the first to want that history erased. I ask then, how are we to remember, without any reminders?
Barely concealed hostility,i wonder why?.The diff between the Romans/Christians and Nazis/jews is obvious(to most of us)There are STILL many people (including people on this board)who suffered or who lost loved ones under the nazis.The pain is still there and will be for generations.Also i don't think anyone has the right to tell anyone else on this board to take their comments elsewhere,we are all entitled to our opinion.
This happens to be an opinion board and everybody is entitled to post one, whether or not it agrees with the views of a poster. Let's just try to keep it civil.

Putting that aside, I think what provoked some concern and disagreement is the use of the word "zealot." In my view, that was not a good choice of words.
If you collect the LAH series, I'd keep it to myself. Any excuse made for the collecting and production of these figures just sounds lame. If my Dad, who's a WW2 European Theater vet, saw these in my house, he'd probably smash my curio cabinet apart. If K&C wants to do parade figures, they should do some Napoleonic era bands or something like that.
My grandfather, who recently passed away, suffered in a labor camp in Germany. Though he did not like the idea of me having Waffen SS in my curio, he thought it would be the best for me to have interest in the history of WWII, so that I would know how he suffered during WWII. I don't think that people should not collect them, just because of what the Nazi's did. It's the same for German medallions with swastika's on them.

I don't care what you collect, or even what you think of the Nazi's, as long as you don't bother me or anyone else with it. Say what's on your mind, but don't start provoking others, or condemning them for what they say or do.


maybe I'm stupid, but can you explain to me the difference between Ceasar showing off he killed a million Gauls or Nero exterminating Christians, and the Nazi's killing six million Jews? Beside the great difference in the number of killed people, both the hunt for Christians and the holocaust were the result of hate against these people, mainly provoked by the leaders of that time, who were looking for a black sheep to give the blame of a bad situation. Nero did it because he burned Rome (and because he was crazy), the Nazi's because they wanted power, and that they firmly believed Germany lost the Great War because of the Jews.
There is at least one guy on the other forum who objects to toy soldiers in general - glorifying war or something along those lines. Obviously, it is perfectly reasonable for folks not to collect items they find objectionable. Most have left it at that, but I think it would be something else to suggest that others should not collect or produce certain items. Not exactly sure what those of us who do collect these figures should imply from that.
Joey said:
maybe I'm stupid, but can you explain to me the difference between Ceasar showing off he killed a million Gauls or Nero exterminating Christians, and the Nazi's killing six million Jews? Beside the great difference in the number of killed people, both the hunt for Christians and the holocaust were the result of hate against these people, mainly provoked by the leaders of that time, who were looking for a black sheep to give the blame of a bad situation. Nero did it because he burned Rome (and because he was crazy), the Nazi's because they wanted power, and that they firmly believed Germany lost the Great War because of the Jews.

I think it’s a matter of time perspective. WWII is comparatively recent. You are correct, there has been much genocide throughout history. Genghis Kahn slaughtered entire tribes. He used an entire cities population to ford a river or some kind of water barrier. The first emperor of China was known to have killed millions in his unification of the Chinese people into one kingdom. The Aztecs were reported to have sacrificed 20,000 captives in one day. The only difference between then and now is that families and individuals still exist from the days of Auswitz. I would not have the LAH series but I do have the SS, am I a hypocrite? I hope not. Michael
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