Walt I would love to see more of your work.
Reference above here are a few more accessories I made in the past that I use to add interst to vignettes and displays with commerical figures. I blend these in with temporary ground work on the felt base.
Description of the pieces to include the cannon balls and stump from an earlier post.
-fowl on the spit which is from an old Historex kit from the 80”s
-photos however also bring out the finger prints still in the putty that unfortunately can’t always be seen with these old eyes at time of construction.
-Fire smoke from very fine steel wool, black wash at the base, white wash at the tip
-Fire: Black base, then red to the tip of flame. Orange wash 25% up to tip (little red shows through). Yellow paint at tip. Dashes of yellow in lower parts of flame with red wash over that.
Seems to work, or at least from a distance
-Tree stump from Armand B., cannon balls from rolled putty painted black then highlites rubbed with pencil graphite on finger tips
-Used credit cards as the base, then build up with putty. Keeps base a low profile for ease of blending into surrounding ground work
-All grasses and shrubs from Xpress. Note Military Warehouse also carries the landscaping stuff as well as an excellent selection of Armand B. tree trunks
-The base with the soldier (Gordon Highlander from Napoleonic era by K&C) was a plaster casting I picked up for 50 cents while bottom fishing at the Long Island Show.
-Little paint and some grass work (and added chain to the horse
hitching post) and it came out pretty good for staging a figure