Identification: your assistance welcomed (4 Viewers)

The Household Cavalry chaps look like Britains, but so many makers produced similar models: the African Askaris & officer don't match the Britains versions in my collection, likewise the Legionnaires.
The blue chaps on the right have some characteristics suggesting Royal Marines & others suggesting Artillery officers but they may not be either. Baffling.
The blue chaps on the right have some characteristics suggesting Royal Marines & others suggesting Artillery officers but they may not be either. Baffling.

The very knowledgeable chap who runs the King's African Rifles site suggests interwar or 1950s Crescent; any comments?
Hi There,

Any marking on the bottom of the bases? Also can you post a close up of the guys in the Blue Uniforms with the red sashes.

Hi There,

Any marking on the bottom of the bases? Also can you post a close up of the guys in the Blue Uniforms with the red sashes.


I haven't received them yet but will respond when they arrive; thanks for your interest
Will post close-ups after I've reattached arms.
Asset have been trading since 1996 and in this time grown from two figures made for a Police Benevolent Fund to a range of over 700.

Based in North Harrow Middlesex the company is run by Anne and Colin Randall who manuface and produce all aspects of the process bar the initial making of the 'master' figure by Alan Caton. This includes making the moulds, casting the figures, assembling, painting and marketing them. There are currently two outworkers both based in the UK who help with the painting to the same high standard that regular patrons have come to expect.

The company mainly trades as 'mail order', but also attends the London Toy Soldier Show three times a year. Details of the next show can be found on the home page
I Have several Asset sets my self and these do not resemble the least to any Asset product or Alan Calton´s work....
Along with the King´s Rifles, already identified, you have two French Foreign Legion marching, and two House Hold Cavalry sets also...


I have just seen them identified as Asset
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I Have several Asset sets my self and these do not resemble the least to any Asset product or Alan Calton´s work....
Along with the King´s Rifles, already identified, you have two French Foreign Legion marching, and two House Hold Cavalry sets also...


The two privates in the trio you identify as Household Cavalry have turbans and darker faces than the officer, so I don't think so. A UK dealer I often buy from says Asset, but it is true that so far I haven't spotted them on the Asset site; so the search continues. Can you identify the Askaris and officer by maker? Cheers.
I don't know who made them, but the figures with the purple turbans and red sashes are probably H.M. 1st Chinese Wei-Hai-Wei Regiment which was raised to protect the British possession of Wei-Hai-Wei in China. Nostalgia (I think) made a band and marching infantry sets in similar uniforms.


  • Wei-Hai-Wei Chinese Regt..jpg
    Wei-Hai-Wei Chinese Regt..jpg
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  • Wei-Hai-Wei Regt.jpeg
    Wei-Hai-Wei Regt.jpeg
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...the figures with the purple turbans and red sashes are probably H.M. 1st Chinese Wei-Hai-Wei Regiment which was raised to protect the British possession of Wei-Hai-Wei in China...

I think you're right about the unit, Mike. Good call! Looks like an officer (with pith helmet) and two enlisted men, in this case.


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