Here are some suggestion:
-ZULU STYLE;just ask some forum members,like LT,Britfarmer,...that they photo their dioramas and than you make posters of this and put it on the wall inside the pub.Than hire some weitres and dress them in imitation of leopard skin,so they will fit in the pub style.Than buy some uniform on ebay,some white helmet,....and display inside the bar,maybe make some dioramas (under the glass) so that visitors can see a battle of Rourkes Drift,...make a special cocktails name like "Broomhead spit","Colour Seargant Burnes deadly poison","Blood of an Isalnwana","Rourkes Drift courage","Victoria Cross",....and you are ready to do some serious busines.
-WESTERN STYLE;well you put them this Saloon doors,big bar so that beer can slide in to a customer,piano,big glass,chairs and circle table,show girls dress in 18,19 century with the show on the stage,weitres will wear this seksi western outfit with a lot of skin and western boots with spurs,and you put your special menu names,like for stake you write "Cowboy sadle",for wiskey you write "Doc Hollidays spit",for potatoes "Whayat Earps brains",for beer "cactus poison",for tequila "Mexican outlaw", the guests will have fun order this special coctails,drinks,food,....
-STALINGRAD;you put outside broken walls,some bricks, that it will look like that it is a ruin building,...but inside it will be very clean and everything.Than the weitres will be dressed up in seksi outfit,tight to the body,with the red bandana around the neck and the red star on the cap,the weiter will have black gestapo uniform.And you put some special menu names,like for ketchup"wermacht",for Vodka"Blood of the Partisan",....
Ok ,not let me hear your suggestions.
The best suggestion will be the winner and we will all invest monney in this bar and we all will be partners.
-ZULU STYLE;just ask some forum members,like LT,Britfarmer,...that they photo their dioramas and than you make posters of this and put it on the wall inside the pub.Than hire some weitres and dress them in imitation of leopard skin,so they will fit in the pub style.Than buy some uniform on ebay,some white helmet,....and display inside the bar,maybe make some dioramas (under the glass) so that visitors can see a battle of Rourkes Drift,...make a special cocktails name like "Broomhead spit","Colour Seargant Burnes deadly poison","Blood of an Isalnwana","Rourkes Drift courage","Victoria Cross",....and you are ready to do some serious busines.
-WESTERN STYLE;well you put them this Saloon doors,big bar so that beer can slide in to a customer,piano,big glass,chairs and circle table,show girls dress in 18,19 century with the show on the stage,weitres will wear this seksi western outfit with a lot of skin and western boots with spurs,and you put your special menu names,like for stake you write "Cowboy sadle",for wiskey you write "Doc Hollidays spit",for potatoes "Whayat Earps brains",for beer "cactus poison",for tequila "Mexican outlaw", the guests will have fun order this special coctails,drinks,food,....
-STALINGRAD;you put outside broken walls,some bricks, that it will look like that it is a ruin building,...but inside it will be very clean and everything.Than the weitres will be dressed up in seksi outfit,tight to the body,with the red bandana around the neck and the red star on the cap,the weiter will have black gestapo uniform.And you put some special menu names,like for ketchup"wermacht",for Vodka"Blood of the Partisan",....
Ok ,not let me hear your suggestions.
The best suggestion will be the winner and we will all invest monney in this bar and we all will be partners.