Imperial Sets (1 Viewer)


Apr 29, 2005
Hi All,

I was wondering does anyone out there have a cataloge showing the Imperial Soldier Sets from their New Zealand Range. If you do would you please post some shots to the Forum. I am mainly looking at their WWI Series of Mounted Riflemen in Palestine.


Dave I might have the old Imperial catalogues (I used to be a big Imperial collector back in the day) but I will have to dig around for them. In the meantime, on Ebay under "Imperial" in the toy soldier catagory are four of the New Zealand sets you are talking about. Go get 'em!
Hi Louis,

Thanks for the heads up I am bidding on 3 we'll see if I get lucky.

Hi Dave

The current auctions on e bay are mine [a couple of sets i have doubles of]

I dont have a catalogue either with photos ,but i visited the shop in

greytown just before it closed and have one of the product lists.

The 2 mounted figures i have listed are the only 2 mounted New Zealand

figures in that series.I dont know if they made any in the past as I

Had only just began collecting imperial when they shut up shop.

cheers Rob
Hi Rob,

I have a few Imperial sets and really wanted to add some more sets to the collection and wish I had had the foresight to get others when I was in New Zealand. I will keep my fingers crossed on these auctions because two of the three were number one and two on my Imperial want list. Do you have one of their Heirloom sets? They are absolutely smashing and I would love to get one. Oh well maybe someday right.

Have a good one

Hi Dave

I dont have either of the Heirloom sets, Its the one set ,I Realy wished I
Had bought before they closed.
I tried a number of websites but no one had it in stock.
Vectis might be the best chance I think [unless one comes up localy]
Good luck with the auctions ,I dont normally sell imperial sets via E Bay
the last time I sold any was via Trade Me [kiwi version of e bay].

cheers Rob

I have about half of one of the heirloom sets (the Cameron Highlanders in action in the Sudan). They really are nice. I'm probably going to give all of my Imperial sets to my friend Hans, but I hope you find the ones you want.
Hi Guys,

Rob please post a web address for the place where you have sold Imperial in the past I am always looking for Imperial and South Sea Soldiers and can never find them for prices that are reasonable.

If i had the 1200 to 1300 bucks to put into those Heirloom sets I would but then again I doubt my wife would really understand.
Hi Dave

The web address is but for some reason it is only
open to residents of New zealand and australia [found their niche i guess]
I have only come across south sea soldiers once ,a little while back,
they where listed at about $80 nz but never sold after a couple of re listings.
I,ll keep a look out and if see them again i,ll let you know.

cheers Rob
Hi Louis
give them away:eek:
Man,why dont I have any friends like you.I,d be lucky to get a free beer
at the rugby:D
I tried to order some extra Heirloom sets before Imperial closed down but David said he wasn't able to get the wood for the special boxes they came in anymore so he wasn't going to produce any more. Otherwise I might have had some left for you. I used to keep 4 or 5 in stock. Those Heirloom sets really personified the Victorian Era toy feeling Imperial was striving for. They were some of my favorites. We are down to our very last Town & Around sets. They won't even be listed on our new website. We're taking them to Chicago and perhaps what doesn't sell there will head right to my curio cabinet.;)
Hi All,

I wish I could find those sets even without the box. I have to agree they were some of the best ever produced. As for louis giving some to his friend I could only hope to find a friend that was like that with a set of soldiers as well made as those.

I will take a look at the site for that auction site down under and see if anything looks good. I have a few friends from that region and they have family there so maybe I can work it out.

Thanks for all the help


I dont mind bidding for you if anything turns up,At least you will
have the exchange rate working in your favour.

Cheers Rob
I give a lot of sets away to make room, and also trade sets. If I remember correctly I gave an Imperial mounted emir to Shannon at the symposium. That being said I promised to let Hans have the first go at my non-K&C Imperial & Trophy stuff.
I have all the Imperial sets from number one through the Zulu and Sudan Wars in my collection. I also have 7 of the Crimean War sets. I was fortunate to have bought both Heritage sets in their wooden boxes about 10 years ago. They were not really cheap then, but they seem to be more popular and expensive now that they are no longer available. I wonder if anyone knows how many Heritage sets were produced? You rarely see them for sale.

BTW, last week I went over to Bill Connolly's house in Long Beach to look at his collection. He used to own the Toy Soldier Exhange shop in Pasadena and he was instrumental in getting Dave Cowe to sell Imperial in the U.S. Ironically, Bill does not have any Imperial figures in his collection now with the exception of the civilian range.
I give a lot of sets away to make room, and also trade sets. If I remember correctly I gave an Imperial mounted emir to Shannon at the symposium. That being said I promised to let Hans have the first go at my non-K&C Imperial & Trophy stuff.

Why yes you did (thanks again!) and he helps lead the charge on the ledge in front of my desk. It's a motley crew with a Zulu warrior to his right and an Argentine gaucho bringing up the rear among many others. Unfortunately none are any match for the Giant Cat who not only enjoys picking them up by their heads but is also amazingly clumsy amd wreaks havoc amongst the ranks. They happen to be charging in the exactly the spot she prefers to look out the window so they will be marching to new quarters soon. Several Manes Marzano Revolutionary War figures have already been airlifted out to safety.
Hi All,

I was wondering does anyone out there have a cataloge showing the Imperial Soldier Sets from their New Zealand Range. If you do would you please post some shots to the Forum. I am mainly looking at their WWI Series of Mounted Riflemen in Palestine.


I just realized which Imperial you were looking for. First of all Treefrog Treasures was one of the only dealers to carry the New Zealand range (along with the indigenous Te Mauri range) in the US so they will be hard to come by. Secondly I don't believe there ever was any literature for the New Zealand series because I never had any. But third and most importantly of all, because I sold the series I still have the image files stored so here they are:





That's NA1-11 in order with 10 omitted because it was never available to us.
Oh how I love Imperial! And I never kept a single NZ set. Cest la vie.
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