In my NETFLIX Queue Abraham Lincoln vs. ZOMBIES! (1 Viewer)

That looks like an Academy Award winner with a whopping 150,000.00 budget.

Awesome pick.
I saw it. It was totally, COMPLETELY, most certainly AWESOME!!!!!! I know, I know, it's a stupid idea, but besides the inherent plot, it was completely historically accurate- the costumes were perfect, and even changed as time progressed, to represent the fashions of the various periods. The weapons were also changing, from flintlock to percussion, and they were all period pieces. They even had those early 1800s US soldiers that wore powder blue and leather caps! The battle scenes are stunning (the best effects I have seen for the period), and the special effects are top-notch! A must see!
I saw it. It was totally, COMPLETELY, most certainly AWESOME!!!!!! I know, I know, it's a stupid idea, but besides the inherent plot, it was completely historically accurate- the costumes were perfect, and even changed as time progressed, to represent the fashions of the various periods. The weapons were also changing, from flintlock to percussion, and they were all period pieces. They even had those early 1800s US soldiers that wore powder blue and leather caps! The battle scenes are stunning (the best effects I have seen for the period), and the special effects are top-notch! A must see!

That was the Vampire movie and I agree. Zombies was the "Mock-Buster" version. A young Teddy Roosevelt is in the Zombie film.

Wouldn't you like to see Teddy Roosevelt, the outdoors-man, up against Big foot?
That was the Vampire movie and I agree. Zombies was the "Mock-Buster" version. A young Teddy Roosevelt is in the Zombie film.

Wouldn't you like to see Teddy Roosevelt, the outdoors-man, up against Big foot?

Er! No I'd rather see him charge up San Juan Hill.

Re Abe vs Vampires I concur on just one point of Sandor's post the action scenes are extremely well done. IMO the plethora of vampire movies of late has been cooked to death much like a bad McDonald's burger. I'm not too sure whether the movie was supposed to be a satire using parallels between vampirism and the atrocities of the civil war and slavery. If it was I missed it as it took itself too deadly serious unlike this one man audience. A line is uttered early in the film "Vampires are real Mr Lincoln" Er! No again.......only in Hollywood.

However, being an Abeophile and very keen student of the ACW there were a few details/incidents from the period and Abe's life that added a certain amount of authenticity to the film and that did impress me. But the highlight for me was melting all the silver coins down into bullets to deal with the 1st Confederate Vampire Infantry Regiment could have read The Stonewall Brigade as they both put the same fear of God in the Yankee army.

A stupid yet in parts an entertaining movie but I'm not too sure how our Southern members will view the Confederacy being portrayed as a bunch of blood-suckers {eek3}

That was the Vampire movie and I agree. Zombies was the "Mock-Buster" version. A young Teddy Roosevelt is in the Zombie film.

Wouldn't you like to see Teddy Roosevelt, the outdoors-man, up against Big foot?

Oh... that's funny- such a subtle difference{sm4}! Now I have to see this one!

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