Indy movie (1 Viewer)

Not much love here for Temple of Doom so far but to me it's my second favourite after the original. It's darker than all the rest and kind of scary at the time.
Liked the new one. Once Indy gets his jacket and hat on I think he does a pretty cool job. Not sure of the time period though overall. Indy belongs in the 30's fighting Nazis. I guess though he did seem a man out of time at the start of the film. Once he got into the jungles and ruins he was much more in his right environment. Not sure of the Roswell stuff but the ending was very cool and the jungle vehicle chase was classic Spielberg rollercoaster film making.
Generally by the time a movie gets round to number III almost all the good ideas have been used up and it comes across as a bit hackneyed. Look at Shrek. Number 1 was good, number ii was brilliant and number iii well that was really week
Well perhaps but I don't think that was the case for the Indy series. To me, IJ III was brilliant. I would call it my favorite except it was obviously the first one that not only started the series but changed the action movie genre for all time. I also liked Karen Allen in the original movie a great deal.
I'm with you, Spitfrnd, I think the quality of the RotLA series was pretty consistent, from the first through the third. I haven't seen the new one yet, so I can't say anything about it.

Remember that Spielberg and Lucas wanted to capture the spirit of the old serial shorts from the 40's, with lots of cliff-hanging action and pretty clear heroes and villains (I remember that from Newsweek's review of Raiders, back in the day. I think they were pretty successful at achieving that goal.

I really thought this film was a bit of a send up.Parts of it were very entertaining others were so bad it was awful.Are we really to accept he could survive a nuclear explosion and emerge unscathed from a fridge?.As has been said before Indy belongs in the era of the Nazis for me,also thought his son was the weakest element in the film and was annoying.Having said all this it was great to have Indy back and it made for an enjoyable trip to the cinema.My wife told me that she read on the BBC that the film took so long to produce because Lucas was pushing the film in a more space/sci fi direction and Spielberg/Ford were resisting it leading to many rewrites.

I really thought this film was a bit of a send up.Parts of it were very entertaining others were so bad it was awful.Are we really to accept he could survive a nuclear explosion and emerge unscathed from a fridge?.As has been said before Indy belongs in the era of the Nazis for me,also thought his son was the weakest element in the film and was annoying.Having said all this it was great to have Indy back and it made for an enjoyable trip to the cinema.My wife told me that she read on the BBC that the film took so long to produce because Lucas was pushing the film in a more space/sci fi direction and Spielberg/Ford were resisting it leading to many rewrites.


Imho, Lucas lost his magic long time ago. And I'm a big fan of the original trilogy (SW as well as Indy).
Imho, Lucas lost his magic long time ago. And I'm a big fan of the original trilogy (SW as well as Indy).
For me, both of the original trilogies were far better. The light saber duels in SW II were pretty cool however.
Shannon and I just saw this yesterday...

As they raced through the jungle on the GPA jeep, Shannon commented, "Well, there must be a river scene coming soon..." She's learned her vehicles.:D

For those who thought the refrigerator scene unrealistic, dont forget it was a LEAD LINED fridge (which was VERY clearly pointed out). That makes all the difference in the world. How can you not believe that a man hiding in a closed fridge (how did he get it unlocked?) could fly a mile in the air, rolling and tumbling all the way, landing very hard, could just get out and walk again?

As a fun action flick it was a good time. I think they spent all their cash on the action and saved a few bucks on the script.

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