Interview with Ron Barzso (2 Viewers)

I have the giant treasure island set from when it came out and I grabbed a pirate ship over the last few years when Ron released them. The treasure island set I still set up from time to time and it has lost none of its charm even after all these years. From the characters to the accessories it is one outstanding play set.
Not sure I would pay the price that they command on eBay but I'll never sell it.
I have the giant treasure island set from when it came out and I grabbed a pirate ship over the last few years when Ron released them. The treasure island set I still set up from time to time and it has lost none of its charm even after all these years. From the characters to the accessories it is one outstanding play set.
Not sure I would pay the price that they command on eBay but I'll never sell it.

I just have the Pirate Cove set for the pirates theme. I got the Roger's Rangers and Last of the Mohicans sets in the 1990's and the took a 10 year absence from the hobby. I have 5 playsets now and 5 different Castles & Forts. I would like to get a few more of the older sets to add to my collection. Thanks for reading, Mike
Hi guys I did an interview with Ron Barzso in anyone is interested. Thanks for reading, Mike.

Thank you for the interview !

I believe I have all the Medieval products Ron produced...they are excellent.

Ron is a real Gentleman and the times my wife and I got to visit with him and Mary Ann at OTSN were most enjoyable. They are wonderful people and have done a lot for the hobby.

You are correct, the little notes he included when he shipped some things always gave me a smile.
Totally agree that Ron and Mary Ann are great people; I loved your interview and was glad to hear he plans on still going to the occasional show.

I was able to get many of his sets over the years; my wife learned the best way to please me at Christmas was to find out what his new set was and get it for me. It took me back to my childhood. I've reflected elsewhere that his attention to detail was the closest I've been to old Louis Marx sets since I was a kid.

The only Barzso sets I've ever felt bad about were the ones I didn't get.

Thanks to Ron and Mary Ann for helping to make my second (or third) childhood so great.

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