Introduction - WW2 Model Solders found in box (1 Viewer)


Jan 4, 2022
Hello All

An introduction first, I am new to the forum as have been very interested in models and toys for as long as I can remember

I was going through the garage and came across a box filled with some WW2 memorabilia

There were some WW2 German Solders in the box which are very interesting, these are German solders with insignia, flags etc lead by Goering

For the life of me I cant remember how I came across them but its a shame for them to be stuck in the box however I can understand they are not to everyone's taste

I can see the initials 'CJB' stamped under one for them

I would love to know a bit more about these figures, I would happily post pictures up if anyone would be interested in seeing them

Many thanks

Hello All

An introduction first, I am new to the forum as have been very interested in models and toys for as long as I can remember

I was going through the garage and came across a box filled with some WW2 memorabilia

There were some WW2 German Solders in the box which are very interesting, these are German solders with insignia, flags etc lead by Goering

For the life of me I cant remember how I came across them but its a shame for them to be stuck in the box however I can understand they are not to everyone's taste

I can see the initials 'CJB' stamped under one for them

I would love to know a bit more about these figures, I would happily post pictures up if anyone would be interested in seeing them

Many thanks


Welcome to the forum, Chris!

Yes, absolutely, please post pictures. It will help us to help you identify the figures. As far as offending anyone goes, we're all amateur historians here, and don't construe display of Nazi subjects as support for that worldview.

Welcome to the forum, Chris!

Yes, absolutely, please post pictures. It will help us to help you identify the figures. As far as offending anyone goes, we're all amateur historians here, and don't construe display of Nazi subjects as support for that worldview.


Hi Brad

Many thanks for the reply, please see attached a few pictures, I will take some more and upload them

Many thanks

Figures 1 resize.jpg

Figures 2 resize.jpg

Figures 3 resize.jpg

Welcome to the forum! :salute:: CJB Models, the company owned by Colin J. Burkill, famous for some of the besy hand cast metal vehicles ever made in the hobby, also made castings and painted soldiers of parade Nazis. It is likely that you have some of these.
Re: Introduction - WW2 Model Solders found in box - SOLVED CJB Miniatures

Thanks for the reminder, Louis! I do remember now when you posted that. Yes, his vehicles are outstanding, great sculpting!
If he had done Seven Years War subjects, I'd have bought the kits.

Oh, and, Happy Birthday!

The Goose Stepping Germans remind me of figures produced by a friend of mine the late Graham Kennedy under the name Graken the moulds being sold after his death some ten years ago. He specialised in WWII especially German including an SS band. I remember he created a set of GIs executing an SS prisoner for the London Show many years ago which was not to everyone's taste, but he had sold all the eight sets he had made by lunch time. To the best of my knowledge he never made any personality figures.

Then again Tradition also made Goose Stepping Germans with a base virtually identical to these and they did do personality figures.
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The Goose Stepping Germans remind me of figures produced by a friend of mine the late Graham Kennedy under the name Graken the moulds being sold after his death some ten years ago. He specialised in WWII especially German including an SS band. I remember he created a set of GIs executing an SS prisoner for the London Show many years ago which was not to everyone's taste, but he had sold all the eight sets he had made by lunch time. To the best of my knowledge he never made any personality figures.

Then again Tradition also made Goose Stepping Germans with a base virtually identical to these and they did do personality figures.

They made me think of Soldat from Spain, too.


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