invader (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jun 27, 2005
Giant black feline from the pit interupts the assault on the farmstead. Curls up and naps amongnst the Naps despite the furious French assault.
Can't seem to break her of sleeping on my wargame table. Loves to lay right on the troops no matter how sharp and pointy.



  • turbowaterloo.jpg
    79.3 KB · Views: 150
Looks like those guys went out foraging and bagged themselfs quite a meal for the troops!!!:p
It is the EMPERUER's New Weapon to change the War - Le Cat !

Release the PUMA !! :eek: :eek: :eek:
No. It's the Duke of Brunswick's new weapon! (Black Brunswickers......get it :D)
I can Hear Napoleon to Ney now:

Don't worry about the British Squares,look at the size of that Bloody great cat!!:eek:

Great Dio FUB but i think you have the scale of the cat wrong.

Your figures look 1/30th but i think your cat measures up to be 1/1 scale not sure it could be the way the picture is taken!:D

I guess the cat is trying to tell us, this is not a Nap setup, it's Nap time.Mike:)
She likes the troops, they must feel good to lay on.When she was a kitten and my boy and I had the lord of the rings set up , I would find here curled up inside the castle turrets .Right on top of the catalpults and brave defenders.

She took out a whole formation of Urak Hai hard plastic pikemen taking a nap on them and snapping off most of the pikes.Wife and kids keep letting her in to do her evil work.

I know she's in the way,but she's soooo sweet!!!:)

The new GF has two black cats. They have taken a liking to me. It is only a mater of time. Pray for my soldiers.........
I can hear it now...................

Honey, Why are my Kittys limp without blood ???????? :rolleyes:
Beautiful cat Fub.

My wife and I had a pleasant and funny time looking at the pic.

Creepy looking feline or what? Poor kitty. I hope they didnt name him Adolf.



  • hitlercat7uq.jpg
    9.2 KB · Views: 46
So there is something to reincarnation, is that him, even parts hair the same way. I hope he does not walk with a goose step. Mike:D

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