Irish Army Uniforms (1 Viewer)


Memoriam Member
Jan 9, 2008
Yo Troopers, Dont think any Manufacturer ever made these, thanks once again to (trooper) just bought this Osprey book. I have never seen these early Irish uniforms before. Also bear in mind Ireland was a very very poor Country after it became a Republic, sixteen years back it was like living 200 years ago, all different now Ireland has come a long way in that time since joining the EU. Specially like the Hussars lol wonder why:rolleyes: They were called the Blue Hussars the Irish found some old Hussar uniforms in Dublin Castle after the British left and were going to use them, but records show they paid something like £2,500 for Eighty uniforms to be made. They were used for State occasions only from 1937-1945, they used to get 80 bods together on horse and were Escort to the Irish State Coach for the Irish President. After they were disbanded they were formed into 2nd Cavalry Squadron Presidential Escort and given motorcycles, but still known as the Blue Hussars. In 1997 the were issued with all Blue bikes. Put that photo up later can only get five at a time. Anyway looks Like JEFF is going to be busy next year:rolleyes:lol so dont be bothering him guys with orders for silly Naps or the likes lol.


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:D:D Looks like Hugo Boss was designing some Irish uniforms in the 30 and 40's either that or the Irish Army were buying from German Army surplus stores:D:D
Thanks fo rposting the osprey pics, very interesting:)
Yo Troopers, Dont think any Manufacturer ever made these, thanks once again to (trooper) just bought this Osprey book. I have never seen these early Irish uniforms before. Also bear in mind Ireland was a very very poor Country after it became a Republic, sixteen years back it was like living 200 years ago, all different now Ireland has come a long way in that time since joining the EU. Specially like the Hussars lol wonder why:rolleyes: They were called the Blue Hussars the Irish found some old Hussar uniforms in Dublin Castle after the British left and were going to use them, but records show they paid something like £2,500 for Eighty uniforms to be made. They were used for State occasions only from 1937-1945, they used to get 80 bods together on horse and were Escort to the Irish State Coach for the Irish President. After they were disbanded they were formed into 2nd Cavalry Squadron Presidential Escort and given motorcycles, but still known as the Blue Hussars. In 1997 the were issued with all Blue bikes. Put that photo up later can only get five at a time. Anyway looks Like JEFF is going to be busy next year:rolleyes:lol so dont be bothering him guys with orders for silly Naps or the likes lol.


Yeah, what's with the German surplus??? That could be mighty confusing on the field.
Yo Troopers, Dont think any Manufacturer ever made these, thanks once again to (trooper) just bought this Osprey book. I have never seen these early Irish uniforms before. Also bear in mind Ireland was a very very poor Country after it became a Republic, sixteen years back it was like living 200 years ago, all different now Ireland has come a long way in that time since joining the EU. Specially like the Hussars lol wonder why:rolleyes: They were called the Blue Hussars the Irish found some old Hussar uniforms in Dublin Castle after the British left and were going to use them, but records show they paid something like £2,500 for Eighty uniforms to be made. They were used for State occasions only from 1937-1945, they used to get 80 bods together on horse and were Escort to the Irish State Coach for the Irish President. After they were disbanded they were formed into 2nd Cavalry Squadron Presidential Escort and given motorcycles, but still known as the Blue Hussars. In 1997 the were issued with all Blue bikes. Put that photo up later can only get five at a time. Anyway looks Like JEFF is going to be busy next year:rolleyes:lol so dont be bothering him guys with orders for silly Naps or the likes lol.

I was looking up an old thread that I had started in the "More Glossy Manufacturers" sub-forum, when I came across this thread on Irish Army Uniforms. When I saw the colour plate of General Michael Collins, I realized where Hiriart found its inspiration for its set 1319 IRISH FREE STATE INFANTRY WITH GENERAL MICHAEL COLLINS, 1923. Note: I have this set in my collection; for some reason, the stock photo makes the gloves appear purple which they are not on the actual figure.


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Hiriart also has a second set of Irish military from this period in its catalog. It is set 1320 IRISH VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, 1913-1923. I was kind of hoping that they would also make a set of the British Black & Tans to go with them, but they never did.


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These are RIFs....(Royal Irish Fusiliers).

To get a new set and add it to our collections is purchase them on a cast stage, do historical research as to the campaigns they took part, what Regiments were on site and then decide what they will look like when finished is even more challenging and exciting......more even so if you:

(1) Fortunate to tap into a situation where casts are still sold.....With all this China mass market stuff, getting nice casts or ask the casts to be set in certain fashion are as rare as a Dodo bird...
(2) If you have the painting skills.....Great! Better still if you have a friend who has the keep the friendship flowing, discuss with him on the outcome of the project and see the final master piece!

Attached are samples of my last acquisitions that came in as un assembled castings and my good friend Obee applied his master skills and gave them life!!


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Thanks to Cardigan600 for the original post (with pics from the book).

As you can see from this thread that I started here: these photos you posted will be very useful to me.

I started that thread in hopes of finding some Irish uniforms/soldiers...but then I got distracted and got away from the forum for about a year. Oh well, I finally got back on and updated it yesterday.

Thanks again for the post!!
These are RIFs....(Royal Irish Fusiliers).

To get a new set and add it to our collections is fantastic....
These are the most recent British Empire sets to be added to my collection....
After a long trip between the UK - Brazil - Australia they finally arrived and are now being incorporated to the current standing battalions....Thanks to Obee and his magic..... A few more.....Very unique and not from the mass produced sets from China!! UK made Australian assembled


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These are RIFs....(Royal Irish Fusiliers).

To get a new set and add it to our collections is fantastic....
These are the most recent British Empire sets to be added to my collection....
After a long trip between the UK - Brazil - Australia they finally arrived and are now being incorporated to the current standing battalions....Thanks to Obee and his magic..... A few more.....Very unique and not from the mass produced sets from China!! UK made Australian assembled

Who made the castings?
These are RIFs....(Royal Irish Fusiliers).

To get a new set and add it to our collections is fantastic....
These are the most recent British Empire sets to be added to my collection....
After a long trip between the UK - Brazil - Australia they finally arrived and are now being incorporated to the current standing battalions....Thanks to Obee and his magic..... A few more.....Very unique and not from the mass produced sets from China!! UK made Australian assembled

I really like those figures Artillery Crazy, particularly the later ones in the Wolseley helmets and jumpers- garrison duty in India. I have a couple of old photos of the Durham Light Infantry in India in the 1930's wearing similar.

I'd suggest that the Royal Irish Fusiliers were an Irish regiment of the British army.

I really like those figures Artillery Crazy, particularly the later ones in the Wolseley helmets and jumpers- garrison duty in India. I have a couple of old photos of the Durham Light Infantry in India in the 1930's wearing similar.

I'd suggest that the Royal Irish Fusiliers were an Irish regiment of the British army.


Hi Scott,
Thanks for the note.
You are correct the Royal Irish Fusiliers are a Regiment in the British Army. One of the many great bodies of Irish Soldiers that fought under the Jack for many campaigns throughout the Empire...And it could not be different..:salute:::D:cool:{sm4}
Attached a few pics from my collection showing the colours in the field....


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Who made the castings?

Luiz was only correct with the left hand figure which is Tradition of London, the other 4 are by Sarum.

I painted them for him, and the 2 officers were assembled slightly different to give some variation. Rank and file can all look the same :)

Luiz was only correct with the left hand figure which is Tradition of London, the other 4 are by Sarum.

I painted them for him, and the 2 officers were assembled slightly different to give some variation. Rank and file can all look the same :)


Ops my bad sorry for the mix up......They are just great by the way ......^&grin:D:cool:^&cool
Some more Royal Irish Fusiliers......{sm4}:salute:::salute::


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