Is It Today???????? (1 Viewer)

Been for treatment in London today,felt sure there would be a dispatches waiting on my return!:eek:


A lot of collectors are in the expectation of the dispatches. It is the greatest moment of the month :)

A lot of collectors are in the expectation of the dispatches. It is the greatest moment of the month :)


Alas, no Dispatches yet.

Perhaps there is SO much good stuff coming out that Andy's fingers cramped and he was unable to finish it ...

Maybe he should just allow Rob to write it for him this month (we're pleased to announce 10,000 new British Paras coming next month...) :rolleyes:
Maybe Andy will do just like he's doing with the Alamo ... produce a figure for each and every British Para at Arnhem (here's the Bob Jones figure....).

Though in true Arnhem style you could never display them all together - you'd need to have the wireless guys trying to figure our where in the world the rest of the paras went! A small vingnette in every room of the house?
Alas, no Dispatches yet.

Perhaps there is SO much good stuff coming out that Andy's fingers cramped and he was unable to finish it ...

Maybe he should just allow Rob to write it for him this month (we're pleased to announce 10,000 new British Paras coming next month...) :rolleyes:

I could give it a go!:D :D

I was only kidding.Actually,it must be very hard when your busy to sit down and write dispatches.Sure Andy will do it when he gets chance to breath!!.


I know he is taking his time due to the announcement of the factory problems with the British Paras and copyright lawsuit from Paramont on the "Bridge Too Far" looklikes - you know with their demand to stop production order and everything.......but, there are other ranges we all want to know about.

I'm on on my computer monthly waiting for dispatches, its my life.
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For what it's worth, I went back and checked last year's dispatches and they came out on April 4 (I kid you not) so maybe tomorrow is the day.

They contained releases on Barbarians, American Revolution (American and British), Imperial Collection, Streets of Hong Kong (one release), Napoleonics, Eighth Army and Normandy Panther.

I'm pretty sure whatever comes out won't contain Napoleonics or Eighth Army (hope I'm wrong). Other than that I have no idea. I think D Day releases are slated for May. However, since more WW I are coming out later this year, maybe they'll advance it by a month.
Isn't it in May that the ACW new figures should be released?

I'm going to Arnhem (Well my Aunts house then Arnhem) on Sunday, so I hope they'll be out by then!!!!!!!!

I know he is taking his time due to the announcement of the factory problems with the British Paras and copyright lawsuit from Paramont on the "Bridge Too Far" looklikes - you know with their demand to stop production order and everything.......but, there are other ranges we all want to know about.


I hate to be the one to break it to you Ron,but i don't think Scott is falling for it anymore!:D


All dealers will have the dispatches as of today and i am in the process of downloading them to our website.

Pete and Shannon will have them on here when they catch up time wise.

WOW some cool stuff yet again

the surprises are...................

We don’t want our WW2 fans to feel neglected either so May will also see the release of some rather unusual additions to our German armed forces…

WS098 “German T34”

During the initial assaults on Soviet Russia in 1941 and 1942 the Germans captured massive amounts of Russian arms and equipment. One of the weapons that impressed them most was the recently revealed T34 tank. So enamoured of it were the Nazis that they incorporated hundreds of them into service with minimal changes. These included additional side skirts…some extra armour and, in certain instances, a new top turret hatch courtesy of the existing Panzer III’s and IV’s.

To ensure they were not attacked by their own side the Germans painted these “captured” T34’s in typical 3 colours camouflage and outsized “Balkan” crosses on the turret sides.

Our K&C model also has a Nazi recognition flag tied onto one of its rear appendages.

Three German tank crew figures accompany the vehicle which is in the familiar markings of the 2nd SS Armoured Division “DAS REICH”.

WS099 “German Tank Crew”
Another frequent collectors request is for “extra” German tank crew and…here they are…Five kneeling and standing Panzer Crew in a variety of useful poses that can accompany any of our armoured vehicles…or indeed any of our similarly sized competitors armoured units as well!

And now for something more than a wee bit different…read on…

WS100 “The Fuhrer’s Last Fighter”

By the latter stages of the war Hitler and his generals were desperate for “wonder weapons” that could reverse the unstoppable tide of Allied conquest.

One such “wonder weapon” was the Focke-Wulf “Rammjager”…a jet piloted by members of the Hitler jugend!

Pilots were to literally ram their aircraft towards large formations of enemy bombers before ejecting…if possible. To ensure no second thoughts the aircraft was provided with no landing gear…not even a skid!

This “Top Secret” K&C aircraft comes complete with a young pilot (in the cockpit), a Luftwaffe guard and a flight instructor. The “Rammjager” itself is mounted on a separate towing trolley.

** Photo & price will be uploaded on our website next week

WS101 “SdKfZ.252 Transporter”

This little half track tractor was normally used to haul ammunition carts across the battlefield. Our Luftwaffe version can pull the “Rammjager” and its trolley or any other Luftwaffe aircraft. Vehicle includes Luftwaffe airman in top hatch.

WS102 “Normandy Kubelwagen”
Due to many requests we’ve produced a late war version of our gray, early war “Kubel”. This new “Normandy” version boasts three brand-new figures…a seated driver…a Panzer officer…and a standing Panzer Grenadier NCO — all of them from 1st SS “Leibstandarte”…somewhere in Normandy.

AVAILABILITY: WS098, WS099, WS102 will be ready by Mid May

WS100, WS101 will be ready in Late May/Early June

ACW fans.....................

2A. “Confederates coming in May!”
The merry month of May will see, at long last, King & Country re-entry into the American Civil War battlefield...

No less than 13 original figures in twelve individual offerings are available in this great new collection...and they are all CONFEDERATES*.

* Over the years many dealers and collectors have told me that the Rebel side is vastly more popular than their Union opponents…more variety…more colour and, perhaps, more romantic. That being the case K&C has decided to focus our initial release on the boys in gray and butternut. These new pieces portray the scene either before or after a great battle. The figures are reflective and at ease and either alone or together form up into superb little vignettes of that terrible war between the States.

Among the figures are, of course, several very famous personages among them...Nathan Bedford Forrest...Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson...the dashing and impetuous “J.E.B.” Stuart and their mighty leader…Robert E. Lee mounted on his favourite horse “Traveller”.

Here’s a full breakdown of this first “Civil War” release…

CW001 “General Nathan Bedford Forrest”

A mounted portrait in miniature of one of the Confederacy’s ablest and most daring Cavalry leaders.

CW002 “Soldier Pointing”
Clad in blue and gray this seasoned veteran points the way towards the Federal lines.

CW003 “General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson

Probably Lee’s most valuable lieutenant and a superb tactician in his own right. Jackson’s tragic loss was a terrible blow to the South.

CW004 “Confederate Flagbearer” (Mtd)

A troop sergeant of the 1st Virginia Cavalry proudly carries the great battle flag of the Confederacy.

CW005 “Confederate Bugler”

Standing at ease, rifle shouldered, this bugler observes the passing parade.

CW006 “Rebel Leaning on Rifle”

Another southern veteran watches the passing scene.

CW007 “Rebel on Guard”
Alert and awake this soldier stands ready to do his duty.

CW008 “Confederate Drummer boy”

Boys as young as ten years of age ran away from home to follow the colours. This young teenager has been lucky to find his place in a fine regiment…as his smart uniform testifies to.

CW009 “Confederate Officer”

This officer is, perhaps, attached to Gen. Lee’s staff headquarters or maybe about to march off with his company.

CW010 “J.E.B Stuart”

Lee’s most famous and most impetuous Cavalry commander. Known for his bravery and dash he was also known for his recklessness and, occasionally, unreliability.

CW011 “General Robert. E. Lee”
An outstanding officer and general and the South’s preeminent soldier. Lee often was outnumbered…outgunned…but seldom outmaneuvered. His leadership and concern for his men was legendary. Here, he “tips” his hat in salute as he sits on his favourite mount “Traveller”

CW012 “After The Battle”

A wounded officer is gently led away from the battle by one of his men who salutes a passing general.

Special Note: All of these new figures work equally well as individuals or as small groups making up a vignette or diorama. The quality of sculpting, painting and character is…second-to-none.

Look out for more American Civil War pieces later this year.


There you go Pete i have done some of your work for you...............Go back to bed lol:D
I hate to be the one to break it to you Ron,but i don't think Scott is falling for it anymore!:D



Ah Youth........They grow up so fast. :D

I wonder why the dispatches are taking so long to post?? Andy, must have a long list of retirements. What do you think?


Ah Youth........They grow up so fast. :D

I wonder why the dispatches are taking so long to post?? Andy, must have a long list of retirements. What do you think?


Well this time theres no WW2 retirements,but what about the Nap cavalry.Have you got them all Ron.?

Well this time theres no WW2 retirements,but what about the Nap cavalry.Have you got them all Ron.?


Yes - Thank God. Whew........I am glad thats all he did with Napoleonics - looks like you WWII boys are going to get hit hard next month on retirements.



:D :D :D
Ron,if Ney had half your persistance he may have broken our lovely British Squares after all!!;) :D


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