Japanese threat to Australia (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Feb 5, 2010
A concealed Japanese air strip, Buka island June 1942, Solomon islands. Robin.


  • P9250003.jpg
    241.3 KB · Views: 930
Brilliant work-looks great!
Awesome Robin, this would have to be one of your best dio pic's so far! Love the backdrop, it blends in perfectly to the foreground and the foliage and trees are first rate. Thanks for posting mate, brilliant! {bravo}}

Robin, Very interesting and well laid out scene indeed. The water and Jungle trees look very good showcasing the new Jap Bird !

I was watching Combat Dealers on Quest and the guy went to Australia and he met a man whose father was a vet who actually swore that japanese soldiers did get to Australia. Was a really interesting story!

I was watching Combat Dealers on Quest and the guy went to Australia and he met a man whose father was a vet who actually swore that japanese soldiers did get to Australia. Was a really interesting story!


As shown in the historically accurate movie "Australia"{sm3}.

Although the story of the Jap mini subs entering Sydney harbour is well known.
Nice set up Robin. Love the water effect. Inspiring scene
A great scene.Well done that man.I have noted recently that a number of academics,very wise after the event,have claimed that the Japanese had no intention of invading Australia and that the Australian Govt whipped up hysteria to encourage the war effort.My mother,who is 94 and whose family was living in Sydney while she worked at the small arms factory at Lithgow, will tell you that in 1942-3 everyone believed that an invasion was imminent and they weren't going to be stopped at the Brisbane line. She will also tell you that her job at Lithgow was the best she had ever had-men's wages and as much overtime as you wanted-heaven for a teenager of the Depression whose family had known real poverty in the 1930s.
Great work Robin :salute::, now start covering those bases and it becomes even more brilliant....:wink2:
Always a high level! Always different locations ! which manufacturer is the palm from ?

Palm modified by my model man using items from a fish tank. Aquarium shops are a good source for a range of diorama pieces. Robin.
A full deck on the Agaki carrier. Robin.


  • PA120002.jpg
    180.7 KB · Views: 237
Very nice Robin and I like the Jerry mini sub being refueled although it's a long way from home. Those poor Jerries having to endure such a long journey in that cramped little tin can! ^&grin

Thanks Tom good story.Too bad I have the wrong carrier, should be the Akagi......perhaps using Agaki was code to confuse the enemy^&grin, Robin,
YES, Yes, Robin, three planes are much better than two.

Keep adding the wonderful K&C JN series along with the TG RS series and you are going to have a very crowded deck ....{sm3} ... but that would be a GOOD thing!!! {sm4}

The dio was nice before and even better now.

--- LaRRy
Thanks Larry, looking forward to seeing your carrier. The mini subs now fueled, breaks off for safer waters. Robin.


  • PA120001.jpg
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Thanks Larry, looking forward to seeing your carrier. . Robin.

Hey Robin ... still working on "my version" of the Akagi. The Allied "summer offensive" side tracked me a bit (I had to build an entire enclosed deck around my house and that was "Offensive" to my summer fun ...:rolleyes:

So far I have three levels built and now working on the flight deck level. Here is a photo of some of the internal support structure.

Also I have been working on "WATER and WAVES" so here is my attempt at creating an ocean effect.

And last for today here is a tiny sample of the detail I am striving for. This one is on the stern hanger deck.

I hope that stirs the imagination a bit ....:wink2:

Hopefully progress will increase now the fall / winter is here.

--- LaRRy
oooooooooooooh Larry...

that is sick!!!

if you have that level of detail on the stern hangar deck as you do on the whole project...

this is gonna be awesome...

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