JAZZEUM to the Rescue Again!!!! (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
May 24, 2013

This is yet another shout out to my friend Jazzeum in New Jersey...AGAIN for coming to the rescue...AGAIN. Y'now, I have had some deep conversations with Jazz, had some heated conversations with Jazz, had some debates with Jazz, had some philosophical discussions with Jazz, reminisced with Jazz and some all out brawls with Jazz. He is quick to shuck, jive, correct, explain, question, criticize and praise you all in one sentence if need be. And if you let him, Jazz will wear you out and make you cry "Uncle"!

But at the end of the day, if you are in a pinch and need info about toy soldiers he will answer you no matter what. Just like today when I emailed him for some info and some expert advise on a particular line (he collects) I was considering buying. Never mind he and I are battling it out on a the forum on some benign subject! He knows his stuff and will reach out to his other contacts to gets answers for you quick...even on Sunday. He will email from his computer or his phone just to keep you posted and email you again if he has any after thoughts. The guy is a true gentlemen in this business as a collector and I just want to publicly thank him again for helping me out.

So, thanks Jazz. Your all right.

John from Texas
Yeah we clash horns to every now and then,but if you need help etc he is always there not a bad bloke for a lawyer......................^&grin^&grin^&grin^&grin^&grin
But isn't that a true friend? One you can argue and debate with but still comes through when it counts?
Yes, fight fast and furious and then go grab a double cheeseburger afterwards and laugh about it.

John from Texas
Thanks for the compliments John; I do my best to help out collectors with their questions about early King & Country. When I was a new collector, many people (such as Louis, Andy and Larry) answered my questions and provided me with assistance so I'm happy to pay it forward, so to speak.


Well you always speak of others in such high regard, so I am paying it back and speaking of you in the same way. Andy is...well one in a billion type of guy. Larry...may he RIP and I look forward to meeting him on the other side. And how is Mr. Louis B by the way?

Always thanks for the help.

John from Texas

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