JJ and WW1 (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Just wanted to give a big shout out to JJ for the superb range of WW1 items that have has been growing over recent months, Aircraft, Tanks , Figures , JJ are producing some splendid items right now. 2014-18 should be bountiful for WW1 enthusiasts:salute::

I gladly second Rob's statement. JJD's deep move into the aircraft (my favorites) and the armor and vehicles has really opened up WW1 as a primary collecting market. At last we have superb attention to detail in a field that hasn't been all that well covered. I am most impressed with the aircraft but I really love the move to the armor, especially the more unusual tanks as the Whippet and St. Chamond. This whole series by JJD just keeps getting better. -- Al
Totally agree, John has gone down a very welcome path with superb items, figures, aircraft and armour, hopefully the other guys will also follow suite...more please.:salute::
Well said Rob. WW1 is a subject I intend to start collecting this year - beginning with JJD's fantastic-looking Mark V.
Looks terrific doesn't it^&cool


It does indeed. I've always liked the look of First World War tanks - I think its their fairly crude design. It must have been terrifying for an enemy to see these new killing machines on a battlefield for the first time. JJD's mark V model will be the centrepiece of WW1 combat dio I'll be putting together this year.^&cool
No surprise that John's WW I stuff is so well done. His talent shows through in every one of his ranges.

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