JJD Republican Romans (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Jun 8, 2008
Check out the Treefrog Facebook page. There are several photos of the new JJD prototype Republican Roman figures. They look fantastic. -- Al
Looking forward to these. Been waiting for their arrival for some time now. It was definitely worth the wait.
Check out the Treefrog Facebook page. There are several photos of the new JJD prototype Republican Roman figures. They look fantastic. -- Al

Thanks for the heads up! They look great and will be hard to resist...
Here are the pictures of the figures for anyone not on Facebook.


33623585_10156348477529500_927925970608848896_n.jpg 33653469_10156348477509500_6269187595297619968_n.jpg
33676317_10156348477384500_1452404153908199424_n.jpg 33693849_10156348477364500_4117339835323121664_n.jpg
These are fantastic sculpts, full of action and realism.
The Republican Romans will work well with JJD's Gauls and upcoming Celts.
Recreating Caesar's Gallic Wars and invasions of Britain will make wonderful dioramas.
The upcoming Roman fortification will work well for a Battle of Alesia scene.
Hopefully more Gauls, cavalry and camp scenes will come.
I think a set depicting the surrender of Vercingetorix to Caesar would be really dynamic.
Great looking sculpts for the upcoming Romans. I like the way John did the helmets, with some fine details, all the way down to the rivets for attaching the cheek/face guards.
- Very happy how John is previewing all these upcoming releases at the shows. Allows the collector a chance to plan for future acquisitions and not be in the dark about what might appear later.
These are fantastic sculpts, full of action and realism.
The Republican Romans will work well with JJD's Gauls and upcoming Celts.
Recreating Caesar's Gallic Wars and invasions of Britain will make wonderful dioramas.
The upcoming Roman fortification will work well for a Battle of Alesia scene.
Hopefully more Gauls, cavalry and camp scenes will come.
I think a set depicting the surrender of Vercingetorix to Caesar would be really dynamic.

"upcoming celts"? Have I missed something? Can anybody point me in the direction of these please?

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"upcoming celts"? Have I missed something? Can anybody point me in the direction of these please?


I believe we're talking about these fine fellows. Previewed at a London show several months ago.

From the pictures it looks as though the new Roman figures could be sold in sets of three, which is ideal. I also noted from the Texas TS Show pictures that the horsetail plume has become separated from a figure. Now that would be something. With or without horsehair or indeed possibly a choice of colour???

Once again though, JJ has awoken me from my TS slumber with these new offerings.

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