A Mounted Figure of Braddock getting his Horse Shot out from under him would be very cool

- dont you think?
AM - did he sound like he had some new releases coming in APRIL or MAY ??
Sorry about delay in getting a reply posted, but this working for a living is getting in the road of my collecting.
As per John's reply to me and my previous posting.
I try to keep release schedules under wraps, as being a small company.... and in competition with some of the larger companies I need to keep flexible and a bit more secretive.
Having said that, there is about 2 months of releases for the Quebec series coming up, which will give those collecting the Braddock's stuff a chance to catch up. Then its more or less all Braddock releases until October, 12 sets altogether, which should see the series complete?
I've almost finished the two Dead Commander sets, and have only a combat set left to sculpt. So all the sculpting should be done by the end of this month.
So I assume, 2 month of releases mean 2 to 4 sets in the QB series for May & June and then 12 set of BM series to October, 2 to 3 sets per month. (But as we all know, assuming something - Makes ***-u-me)
If you have a look on his web site. The following is noted there:
1. Future Releases BM Series (No dates)
Death of Braddock
Virginia Provincial Regiment (Photo of one of these in Workbench Section)
British Artillery
2. Future Releases FM Series (No Dates)
Death of Captain Lienard De Beaujea
Also Photo in the Workbench Section of French Regular Lasarre Regiment
3. Future Releases WIM Series
WIM-04 More Musket Indians (Due April 2007)
To your comment about Braddock Set, have you been talking to John, Ron (or was your comment a guess).
He did hint at the following about mounted figures to me.
1. Braddock Set - Horse Shot out from under him - sound right Ron .
2. The artillery maybe limbered with horses.
3. Some Pack Animals.
4. Maybe a wagon.
Now that I have spilled my guts, that will be the last info I get out of John.
On the QB series I asked John a couple of question last week here is his reply. the questions were:
1. Can you tell me what QB-01 is and why QB-02 first???
2. Also I am told that the QB-02 sets have 750 sets in the release not 250 as per previous releases???
The new series based on the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, will be a bit different from the Monongahela series.
This is based on a couple of factors.
The look of the two battles is different.
Whereas at Monongahela the look of the battle was between a Column of Regular troops and groups of individual skirmishers. This I hope is reflected in the design of the series, and is one reason why there are more marching figures eg 500 sets etc.
At Quebec the look of the battle was more linear. The design of the sets will reflect this. So there will be less poses, but more variations on a pose. It is designed like this for the collector who prefers to build up large units of multiple figures. Also the sets will be of a larger edition 750, which again will enable those collectors who want to build up large units for their collections over a long period, the time to achieve this.
Also since the 250th anniversary of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham will be in 2009, I hope that some of the figures would still be available in two years time? Dont forget its been 10 months since I started the Monongahela series and it will be at least another 6 months before I get near to completing it.
I'd like to think that the different series will appeal to different styles of collectors?
I think it will be good to change the pace, with the new series, and gives a chance for more people to enjoy this wonderful period.
I've had 3 e-mails this morning about QB-01?
Its obvious to me what it should be based on what QB-02 is. But dont forget, I am just making all this up as I go along!
If this thread gets any longer, it will be a book.
Aussie Monty