July New Release: The 2nd Foot Guard Regiment of the Prussian (1 Viewer)

Rich, learned something new, I didn't know about your family military history. I can go back as far as the Civil War and beyond into the 1700s after the Rev War, My Aunt did say she was eligible for Daughters of the Am Rev, but I have not completed that trace yet. That is the Dubel line. The other 3 are all immigrants, so little harder to trace but can see some as they came through Ellis Island.

Regarding WW2, my Grandfather lived til 98 (died 2018), so I was very fortunate to hear, see and discuss WW2 with him for a good number of years. He was a veteran of the War in the Pacific, specifically the Philippines and then Occupied Japan. If not for the Atomic Bomb and subsequent surrender, he would have been on the first wave of the Invasion of Japan and I would probably or more likely than not, never met him. For my family, literally and figuratively, "thank God for the Bomb".


I think sharing family history is both entertaining and educational! I wish my kids would be more interested but my nine year old grandson seems to have an interest in history and my hobby.
I think sharing family history is both entertaining and educational! I wish my kids would be more interested but my nine year old grandson seems to have an interest in history and my hobby.

I got very lucky with my son. He shares all of my interests and hobbies, including collecting toy soldiers, militaria and Steiff Soldier Dolls, history, art history, travel, collecting antique globes, nautical antiques and scrimshaw. I only wish I would find some common interests with my daughter!
These figures look great! It is genius to have the first non-Jalut mounted figure be Bismarck. He is definitely the best "fun" choice. I am very glad to see them keep going with this line until it is reasonably developed. I hope they do French line next. I would not complain about French Guard infantry (most of whom should be wearing the bearskin hat....yes, even though they did not wear those in battle during the FP War....it simply looks too good in toy soldier terms to ignore).

The French Line infantry are indeed next; I'd assume cavalry and artillery are in the works to fill out the range.

I wish Team and all the other dealers much success with this range, it's been my wish to see it produced, now the sales need to justify the release........................
Will you collect these George?i know you usually collect 20mm.
Will you collect these George?i know you usually collect 20mm.

Yes, I am going to collect these, too good to pass up, plus this range is going to have legs and will be wide as well as deep...…….
These figures look great! It is genius to have the first non-Jalut mounted figure be Bismarck. He is definitely the best "fun" choice. I am very glad to see them keep going with this line until it is reasonably developed. I hope they do French line next. I would not complain about French Guard infantry (most of whom should be wearing the bearskin hat....yes, even though they did not wear those in battle during the FP War....it simply looks too good in toy soldier terms to ignore).

Understood what you are saying about the bearskins, but this uniform would be my choice, it was worn in combat...……


Maybe do a few in bearskins as again, they are iconic.

If you want to do a diorama on Worth/Rezonville, the image I posted is spot on...…………….
I read about the collecting of Prussian militaria..in the issue of this month of the Italian magazine "Uniformi" (the Italian version of the French "Uniformes") there is article in 2 parts about the Pickelhaube of the Franco Prussian War . Obviously is in Italian, i tried to reduce the size of the pictures to post them here but it was useless, so if someone want the pictures please write me to "dibernardoandrea@yahoo.it" , i'll be happy to send the pictures to him .
Thanks for the information. Do you happen to know how accurate are the uniforms of these Prussian figures?

Hi Brad all is well here hope the same for you and yours my friend,

Ok guys you ask for it, I will try to keep it short and just focus on what the 2nd foot Guard Rgt would have been wearing and then tell ya my overall thoughts on these figures. I will start at the top and work my way down.

Pickelhaube: The majority of Prussian troops went to war wearing the newer Model 1867 helm although some still wore the Model 1860 and is documented as such in period photo's as well.
Of note for the 2 Guards foot helmet, The Guards eagle and all other parts of the helmet of the 2nd was made of tombac which is a brass alloy and would have a sliver star of the order of the black eagle on its breast.
There was a directive at the beginning of the war that buttons and helmets were not to be polished.

Tunic: The dark blue tunic had 8 brass buttons, poppy red piping around the front seem and on the scalloped rear pockets. Regiments from Order dated 27.Sept 1867 were to be distinguished by the color of the shoulder straps and piping around their cuff patches. Even among Guard regts many things were different
Guard regiments tunic had poppy red Swedish cuffs with 2 white guard litzen on each side of the collar and on the cuffs. The collar of the tunic had a diagonal cut, and the cuffs a slit at the back. Also Officers had gold or silver plated Litzen & buttons.

Trousers: Up until the 17. March 1870 dark grey trousers with poppy red piping down the side seem was worn. Afterwards mottled dark blue trousers with red poppy piping. Officers wore dark grey black with red piping. Also of note regarding the wearing of trousers after April 1869 there was an order allowing trousers to be worn tucked into the boots.

Boots: Black leather with the shaft from 31=36 cm. Officers worn a variety of boots some of a more narrow cut and some wide with knee guards.

Great coats: Unless being worn they were rolled over the left shoulder over the knapsack and leather straps.

Mess kit: From a decree dated 13.April 1861 the mess kit was to be worn attached in the middle of the knapsack. Of note Guard units continued to wear theirs attached to the top of the

Cartridge pouches: Black leather each holding 20 cartridges. They were to be worn one in the field one on each side of the belt buckle in the front.

Belts & Straps: White straps on the knapsack and a white belt were reserved for Grenadiers and Musketeers only, black was for fusiliers.
Of note regarding wearing knapsacks there was an order to remove them before going into battle, a detail of 4 or 5 men would stay back and watch them during the battle.

Haversack: Made of grey canvas with a grey strap, they were worn at the right hip over the left shoulder.

Canteen: Made of glass with a black leather cover hung over the left shoulder by a strap made of hemp rope ( later replaced with black leather strap)

Sidearms: Fascine knife worn at left hip with white leather frog for Guards, a length of almost 75cm. As well as M/60 bayonet for fusiliers again with black leather.
Sword knots worn on sidearms would be colored according to Battalion and company using the colors white, poppy red, yellow and light blue. With the color combinations showing on the crown , knot and slide.

Sorry to run on, I tried not to geek out to much and keep it short. For me when looking at figures to buy, I'll admit I'm a bit picky and I put a lot of emphasis on accuracy and detail.
That being said there is only so much you can see on a figure this size and painted at this level. I personally like the overall appearance of these figures as well as their Bavarian figures , I would like to see the Guards pants a bit darker but I can live with it. If anyone has any questions or if I missed something I'd be happy to help. Its my hobby, I will try and take a picture of a period Guards piece from my personal collection so you can see the details a bit more. Regards Gebhard

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