June 2007 Dispatches (1 Viewer)

Tony Neville

Command Sergeant Major
Nov 9, 2005

So, without further ado, let’s get into this month’s news…


A)“Hitler’s Wonder Weapons”

WS100 “The Fuhrer’s Last Fighter”

As Germany’s military situation became ever more desperate Hitler directed his engineers and scientists to come up with all kinds of “wonder weapons” and “miracle solutions” that would reverse the tides of war. One such project was the Focke-Wulf “Rammjager”.

This little jet fighter was designed to be flown by semi-skilled Hitlerjugend pilots with only the most rudimentary flying skills. They were to ram their small flying bomb into the midst of the massed Allied aerial armadas then bombing the Reich by night and day. It was rumoured that an ejection seat was provided for the young pilots to get out before their aircraft’s final explosion although this cannot be confirmed.

Our model, WS100, comes with a special “trolley” to transport the little jet to its launch pad plus two standing Luftwaffe figures—a pilot/instructor and a saluting guard. Inside the “see through” cockpit you can also see a seated Hitlerjugend pilot.

WS101 “The Transporter”

To pull and position the trolley with its “Rammjager” jet we have a neat little Sd.KfZ252 Halftrack vehicle. These were normally used as battlefield transports to haul ammunition and other supplies to forward troops. Our model is in camouflaged Luftwaffe markings and has a “commander” half-body figure in the open top hatch.


B) “Return to Normandy…”

There’s a whole big batch of GI reinforcements for our popular “Normandy’44” series and… a few very unique little “add-ons” as well…

DD075 “The Patrol Jeep”

A great looking set… three GI’s of the famous 1st. Infantry Division “The Big Red One” and their ubiquitous 1/4 ton transport. In the front an officer sits next to his driver. Providing the “top cover” a standing GI rests on his .30 calibre machine gun.

DD076 “Combat Photographer”

A special “tribute” piece to Joe Rosenthal (the AP photographer who took the famous Iwo Jima photograph) and the thousands of other Allied combat photo and camera men who risked life and limb to cover World War Two and bring us so many stirring and incredible images of battle and war.

DD077 “War Correspondent”

The “companion piece” to DD076 is our seated at his typewriter “Ernie Pyle” War Correspondent. This terrific little figure is full of character another “tribute” to the war correspondent Ernie Pyle who wrote the classic “The Story of G.I. Joe” which was later made into a great WW2 movie starring Robert Mitchum and Burgess Meredith as Pyle himself. Sadly, Ernie was killed later in the war.

DD078 “M12 155mm Gun Motor Carriage”

This is the first of King & Country’s KINGSIZE collection… a big, big artillery piece with no less than 5 full-bodied artillery men to man the gun.

Mounted on a Sherman tank chassis the 155 gun was originally of French design. Adapted and improved by the U.S. Army, this heavy artillery piece saw much action in the European Theatre of Operations in the latter stages of the war.

Our gun comes with many fine detailed features and K&C’s very own battle-worn appearance. It will provide collectors with lots of extra fire support!

DD079 “General Omar Bradley”

The GI’s General and one of Eisenhower’s most steady and reliable field commanders. Bradley commanded the US 1st Army Group during and after the Normandy invasion… here he stands, hands on hips, in a typical pose.

DD080 “General James Gavin 82nd Airborne”

The youngest divisional commander in the U.S. Army during WW2. Gavin was only 37 at the time of the Normandy and “Market Garden” jumps. He also enjoyed a very successful post-war military and civilian career. Here, he is in parade dress, saluting.

DD081 “At Attention”

A proud 82nd Airborne trooper in parade dress. Looks great in multiples…

And now here’s a whole bunch of GI’s… a mixture 82nd and 101st. Glider troops… all in action… and available as individual figures…

DD082 “Kneeling Officer w/Binos

Leading the attack is this crouching officer checking out enemy positions 82nd Airborne.

DD083 “Kneeling Firing Rifleman”

Another kneeling figure… this one putting in some well-aimed shots. 82nd Airborne.

DD084 “Standing Firing Tommy-Gun”

An NCO adding a little extra fire-power to the “fire fight”. 82nd Airborne.

DD085 “Standing Firing BAR Gunner”

Even more fire to keep the enemy’s head down! 101st Airborne.

DD086 “Running Forward”

Moving to a new location… 101st Airborne.

DD087 “Warning!”

This “dismounted Glider Pilot” is sending out a pretty clear message to his buddies… “Wait!”


Here’s what’s coming in early June…

NA125 “Coldstream Guards Mounted Officer”

A Major on horseback directs his men.

NA126 “CG Officer w/Regimental colour”

NA127 “CG Officer w/King’s colour”

NA128 “Standing Firing Rifle”

NA129 “Standing to Repel”

NA130 “Kneeling to Repel”

NA131 “Sergeant w/Pike”

NA132 “Drummer Boy”

NA133 “Kneeling Firing Rifle”

NA134 “Standing Ready Corporal”

NA135 “Dead Guardsman”

NA136 “Wounded Guardsman”



From Belgium in the time of Napoleon to the Ching Dynasty in the 18th and 19th Centuries…

IC030 “Spear Practice”

Here, a soldier of the Emperor’s own bodyguard regiment perfects his fighting skills on a straw target.

IC031 “Sword Practice”

Two Imperial bodyguards sword fight.



July is going to be a bumper month for K&C releases and collectors of two of our most popular ranges… “BERLIN’38” and “Fields of Battle” with over 20 new releases.

Let’s get into them…

A) “Black is back!”

Politically incorrect it maybe but there is no doubt that the LAH series is very popular and a big, big seller for K&C dealers.

LAH079 “LAH Recce Truck”

This Krupp “Protze” truck was used by the Reconnaissance Company of the “Leibstandarte” as their principal vehicle. Here, in “parade-mode” it comes with a seated driver… standing saluting officer and four sitting riflemen.

LAH080 “Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler”

A standing saluting figure of “Reichsheini” as he was called, behind his back, in the SS.

LAH081 “Reichsleiter Martin Bormann”

“The Brown Eminence”—a major power behind the scenes in The Third Reich. Here he appears in SS uniform—many top Nazi officials such as Von Ribbentrop and Bormann were given “honorary” ranks in the SS by Himmler himself.

LAH082 “Nuremburg Review Stand”

Based on some of the ruins that can still be seen in present-day Nuremburg this stand makes the ideal display area for LAH “personalities”.

LAH083 “Nuremburg Nazi Eagle”

The companion piece and perfect backdrop for LAH082. A large bronzed gold coloured ceremonial eagle mounted on its own separate plinth.

LAH084 “LAH Motorcycle Combo”

Two-man motorcycle combination in parade dress of the LAH’s Reconnaissance Company.

LAH085 “Algemeine SS Officer Saluting”

LAH086 “Algemeine SS Man Standing”


From pre-war Germany we jump forward a few years to early-war France and the latest “Fields of Battle” releases…

B) “Rearguard Action”

This latest batch of British and French troops taking part in the Battle for France in the dark days of May and June 1940…

“The British”

FoB024 “Kneeling British Officer w/Binos”

FoB025 “Vickers Machine Gun Set”

A seated gunner firing his heavy Vickers Machine Gun.

FoB026 “ Lying Firing Bren Gunner”

Bren .303 Light Machine Gun in the shoulder this prone infantryman takes careful aim.

FoB027 “Lying Rifleman”

FoB028 “Kneeling Rifleman”

FoB029 “Standing Rifleman”

FoB030 “Kneeling Tommy-gunner”

This sergeant has one of the newly-issued Thompson sub-machine guns as his “personal weapon”.

“The French”

FoB031 “The French 75 Gun set”

The most famous French artillery gun of the First World War and still in wide use at this stage of WW2.

Our gun is camouflaged and comes with three superb action figures… one of whom is wounded.

FoB032 “Poilu Standing Firing”

FoB033 “Poilu Lying Firing”

FoB034 “French Officer in Action”

Revolver in hand this officer prepares to give his life “Pour La France”.

FoB035 “Surrendering Senegalese”

France’s colonial empire provided plenty of troops for the lost of Battle of France… here is one of them, kneeling.

FoB036 “Surrendering French Soldier”


FoB037 “Renault R35 Tank”

One of France’s smaller tanks together with two French crew and a captured German prisoner.

AVAILABILITY: FoB024 – FoB036: Early July

FoB037: Mid July


As usual, to make room for some of the new additions some of the older ones are consigned to history…

“The Hitler Jugend”

The “boy scouts” of the Nazi movement and the future “cannon-fodder” of WW2…

LAH050 “HJ Youth Leader Marching”
LAH051 “HJ Boy Marching”
LAH052 “HJ National Flag Bearer (Red + White)”
LAH053 “Standing HJ Drummer”
LAH054 “Standing HJ Bugler”
LAH056 “HJ Black Flagbearer”
And in addition our little German tankette…
LAH068 “Panzer I Tank Set”
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Thanks Tony, you beat me to it. I'll work on getting some pics on to match.
I guess you could sum up the new releases as villains and heroes. I've got all the FoB to date and these will be no different.
Thanks Andy!

FOB Brits finally get to show their "metal", can't wait. The french sets sound amazing too.:)

The retirements do not effect any of my collections - thank goodness :)

I have more time to build, expand and complete my masterplan :D
Hey! This is my 1000th post! :cool:




The Brits are nifty. Those are the kind of action poses I like to see.
The FoBs are outstanding. Really love that field gun and tank. What is that slurping sound I hear leaving my pocket? :eek:

Those surrendering Senegalese couldn't have enjoyed a kind fate at the hands of the Nazis, who probably saw it as retribution for the French use of the Senegalese after WWI to enforce the provisions of the Versailles Treaty.
These are some great figures for the Fields of Battle !

I might have to keep buying this series...:rolleyes:
The FoBs are outstanding. Really love that field gun and tank. What is that slurping sound I hear leaving my pocket? :eek:

Those surrendering Senegalese couldn't have enjoyed a kind fate at the hands of the Nazis, who probably saw it as retribution for the French use of the Senegalese after WWI to enforce the provisions of the Versailles Treaty.

The surrendering figures seem a bit odd on their own so I guess there must be some Germans coming out in the near future.
One would hope but maybe some of the early unretired WS sets like 38-40 can go with the FoB.
The FoB troops look fantastic and the Brit action poses are long overdue, so me thinks I'll be getting those along with some of the earlier German sets 38-40 so they've got something to pop at.

It's getting a very expensive year and we haven't even got to Arnhem yet...:eek:

There are so many releases scheduled. How does he do it??????? I can hardly wait for the Drummer Boy !!!
Great looking figures. I will be adding the Berlin 38 series to the collection.

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