June 2007 Dispatches (2 Viewers)

Was planning on collecting only 18th & 19th century subjects from now on. You know, trying to get a handle on this collecting thing... Those new FOB sets just spoiled that idea. Really like that French 75mm.
Well i guess i'm collecting FOB as well now then!:).Lovely stuff,really like the Tank and field gun as well.As James the Easy one said,love those action poses.As for the LAH,just not my scene.

The 75 mm gun is the pick of the bunch for me ,I wonder if we will also see it added to the WW 1 range ?
Ya Know, I'm convinced Andy does this to make us crazy!
We all know that truck belongs in the FOB range, towing a 37mm anti-tank gun and loaded with a Wehrmacht gun crew!
I suppose all the seated figures are glued in?
...I suppose all the seated figures are glued in?


Aïe, aïe, aïe! I would guess... no! Why not like the Hitler staff car? Otherwise, you are right, someone is trying to drive you crazy :)


It is a sure nice truck isnt - FOR A BRITISH SPITFIRE.....:eek: :eek: :eek:

Hear the GUNS Blazing - blam blam blam blam .......:D :D
I am sure you could use those Brist at Normandy. Or am I mistaken

I love that Spitfire - what a plane ! :D

I do have to admit that the Gold Nazi Eagle is very cool :cool: - maybe with some American Tanks rolling by it...;)
Hey Ron,

I know the P51 is much loved in your country(over here too),but the Spitfire is almost worshipped over here.It featured high in a recent poll of British icons.I love the scene in Battle of Britain,a Spitfire flys past a German bomber with smoke coming from the Spits engine.We see the Spitfire fly into the distance and then turn round and come roaring back at the bomber guns blazing!

At this point i'm off the sofa shouting YES,COME ON MY SON!!!!!:D:D

Hey Ron,

I know the P51 is much loved in your country(over here too),but the Spitfire is almost worshipped over here.It featured high in a recent poll of British icons.I love the scene in Battle of Britain,a Spitfire flys past a German bomber with smoke coming from the Spits engine.We see the Spitfire fly into the distance and then turn round and come roaring back at the bomber guns blazing!

At this point i'm off the sofa shouting YES,COME ON MY SON!!!!!:D:D


Rob my favorite fighters of WWII are (in order)

1.) British Spitfire

2.) Corsair

3.) P51 Mustang

Oh man - I do love those planes :D
Three very good choices.That Corsair was some aircraft wasn't it.If i could add one more to your list it would be the the Typhoon for the serious work it did in Normandy.Even in the mighty Tiger tank you had to keep one eye on the skies.

Or maybe that T34 (RA13) - I really like that Tank - especially with those Commie Tank Riders and their Red Hammer and Sicile Flag !! :D
I hope these are not the only French colonial troops that make it into the range. As with the early Brits it would be ashame if they did not get some action figures later, even some mounted troops. Colonial cavalry units had some well documented scrapes with the Germans. These troops were fighting for a country that did not really love them that much.

Some British troops in great coats too would be nice! They could be used for a great Norway Dio then.

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