Just as competition closes in.... (1 Viewer)

Re: “Who’s the mimic?”

Hi Guys,

Re the last post of “Maddadicus” about K&C trying to mimic and upstage the competition… I always like it when someone posts a fairly controversial assertion and then, near the end, says as a kind of back-handed rebuttal “Not saying this is happening but it is amazing how Andy can read the minds of HB, NMA and Figarti, when it comes to stunting their potential sales growth…

Well, just for the record, whatever few talents God gave Andy at birth the talent to read other people’s minds was not one of them!

Another factor not taken into account by Mr. “M” is that, occasionally, two or more people can come up with similar ideas at the same time. Especially if they read this Forum on a regular (daily basis) as I’m sure NMA… HB… Figarti… and K&C do.

Also, as regards to 'stunting other companies’ potential sales growth…” Really, “Maddadicus” you give me far too much credit if you think me or K&C can stunt other companies’ growth… they’re perfectly capable (in a few cases) of doing that all by themselves…

Finally, ask yourself this: which company first grew and developed the whole 1:30 scale market in figures and fighting vehicles? Was it NMA… HB… Figarti…? Now, if you can guess the correct answer (and it’s not too difficult) then you’ll know exactly who is trying to mimic and upstage who.

Best wishes and happy collecting!

Andy C.

I could not agree more.........I am not aware of any manufactuer who owns exclusive rights to produce 1:30 scale.......As long as a manufacturer does not copy "exactly" another's product,: they should be free to produce their own version of it.........This gives the buyer more choices and results in better products at "fairer prices"......K/C has been producing a good product with "moderate price tags" and I hope will continue to produce products based on customer demand.
At the end of the day there is only so much "Material" out there. It may have been a six year conflict but as sixty or so years have gone by almost all uniforms weapons and vehicles have been made by one company or another.
I've never yet read a post by Mr Porche complaining about people copying his Tiger II design in miniature or Hugo Boss complaining that his tunic design is not quite right on a certain figure.:p
Actually, as alluded to by Rick during the Lunch with Figarti at the Chicago Show, both Figarti and K&C independently decided to do a LRDG in early March. Rick asked me to get the same research material during the West Coaster that Andy asked Louis for, and we bidded against each other on eBay trying to get it.:D

See, great minds think alike - Andy and Rick both independently pursued the idea in March, and, I might add, both did an excellent job on the Chevy's.
My worry is that there has been too many of the same releases by all these mfg. Because of Andy's producing power, one can assume that he can put out items faster ,than anyone else. Just look at the pure volume of his annual releases. Also ,since his collecting fans tend to be rabid, they will always, generally buy K/C ,over anyone else, if all mfg. produced equal items. It just seems odd, that with all these different mfg. out there, that we can not get on a regular basis, different choices in vehicles....The same original question should be asked then,of the other mfg. Marders, Tigers and bears...oh my. And just for full disclosure, I collect 95% of my WW2 vehicles K/C. If even I wanted to try out some other companies vehicle, just to keep my collection matching ,I would lean to buy K/C's version.....All I want are choices of different vehicles, not 4 guys spin, on the same one...Michael
My worry is that there has been too many of the same releases by all these mfg. Because of Andy's producing power, one can assume that he can put out items faster ,than anyone else. Just look at the pure volume of his annual releases. Also ,since his collecting fans tend to be rabid, they will always, generally buy K/C ,over anyone else, if all mfg. produced equal items. It just seems odd, that with all these different mfg. out there, that we can not get on a regular basis, different choices in vehicles....The same original question should be asked then,of the other mfg. Marders, Tigers and bears...oh my. And just for full disclosure, I collect 95% of my WW2 vehicles K/C. If even I wanted to try out some other companies vehicle, just to keep my collection matching ,I would lean to buy K/C's version.....All I want are choices of different vehicles, not 4 guys spin, on the same one...Michael

Well Michael i do consider myself a very big K&C fan,they are easily my fave company.However i do not consider myself 'Rabid'.I to am very choosy about what i would display next to my K&C collection,and i pick very carefully.So far there are only four sets that have passed my 'Approval' as it were.They are from NMA; Lynx,Sturmtiger (Winter version)and their Excellant Mortar crew that goes well with my Normandy K&C Germans.And from HB The Winter Panther (minus the crew).I also have the Figarti V1 which is stunning but is seperate from my other collection.

I know there is concern about flooding the market with the same vehicle from different suppliers.However its good to have such a choice.By the end of the year i will have four Tigers.K&C's Winter,Tunisian and Wittmans last.And from NMA Their Grey version which looks great.I don't see this as overkill because it is such a famous and Iconic Tank that it is well worth having in different camo's.I think we should celebrate the fact that there is so much good stuff on the market at the moement....and some wonderful things to come in 2008!;)

Btw, if Maddadicus is now Mr "M", will the King of King & Country be the BIG "A" from here on ;) :D


That has to be one of the most humorous things I've read on the forum in months. It could be up there with HarrytheHeid posting lines from the band Hot Chocolate. That still has to be one of the best posts of all time.


That has to be one of the most humorous things I've read on the forum in months. It could be up there with HarrytheHeid posting lines from the band Hot Chocolate. That still has to be one of the best posts of all time.


Aye, few can beat Errol Brown for a turn of phrase.
Trying to remember, it was something to do with the new SAS jeep I think.

"I believe in miracles"
"Where you from, you sexy thing"
"You sexy thing you"

See, great minds think alike - Andy and Rick both independently pursued the idea in March, and, I might add, both did an excellent job on the Chevy's.

Very true,the quality of these vehicles is excellant.

I for one am very pleased that K/C is finally answering the demand of buyers for WWII armour......and not being influenced by weather or not the item is being produced by either another company or that K/C produced a similar version a few years back.......There is almost always a market for Tigers, Panzer IV tanks, and 88 guns etc. especially among new collectors...... and the quality of K/C's newer versions is "far improved" over their prior releases........some may be upset about this but I think most of us are glad that we now have choices and do not need to be price gouged on the secondary market for WWII armour vehicles that most of us have been trying to find.......Thank you......K/C
I for one am very pleased that K/C is finally answering the demand of buyers for WWII armour......and not being influenced by weather or not the item is being produced by either another company or that K/C produced a similar version a few years back.......There is almost always a market for Tigers, Panzer IV tanks, and 88 guns etc. especially among new collectors...... and the quality of K/C's newer versions is "far improved" over their prior releases........some may be upset about this but I think most of us are glad that we now have choices and do not need to be price gouged on the secondary market for WWII armour vehicles that most of us have been trying to find.......Thank you......K/C

I agree,choice is always good and its great that people who missed out on a release can get another version instead.

If the Fuherer had as many Tigers as there are models of it then I think WWII might have had a slightly different outcome.:):)
Does anyone think that WWII is going to run out of steam? It is easily the most popular era to collect by the sounds of things. It wasn't always this way. But the never ending supply of Tigers is interesting. Will we ever reach saturation point. Just asking
The new K&C SL Tiger is awesome. Andy was on this case many, many months ago. He was not copying what NMA was going to do.

NMA's Tigers look cool.I have a grey one on order and can't wait to get it.

NMA's Tigers look cool.I have a grey one on order and can't wait to get it.


The Marders look pretty cool as well. I think NMA offer an excellent product. I've been extremely pleased with the few items of theirs that I've obtained.

The Marders look pretty cool as well. I think NMA offer an excellent product. I've been extremely pleased with the few items of theirs that I've obtained.


I agree,i have a summer Marder on order too.My wife is Keeping both the Tiger and Marder for me to open Xmas day,she's given up trying to fight my hobby!!!:D

As far as the business aspect goes with the who, when and what items are produced....well it’s not Show Friends...its Show Business! Maybe it's the business side of me speaking now but in my mind KC has every right as a competitive business to crush and destroy the competition when it sees the chance to do so...cause I assure you they would love to do it to KC if they had the chance...nothing wrong with that...just good business. And if they say different don’t believe them! I think we forget that from time to time because this is our fun hobby. We don’t want to think of it as cut throat and competitive but If I were in Andy's shoes and this was my business you better believe I'd take every possible ethical measure to ensure my dominance in the marketplace. It's obvious that others see KC as the 300lb gorilla...we all have them in our respective industries...and what do we do as business people?...Well we sit around and see how we can take our competitors market share...why should this business be any different?? All I know is that it’s always the customers that benefit...and guess what. WE ARE THE CUSTOMERS! So Andy, Rick, Ken, Richard, Anna and whoever else....fight fight fight...I'll be sitting back collecting all the great items that are produced as a result and enjoying our great hobby! :cool:

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