Just for fun guys! (1 Viewer)

Your favourite Figarti piece

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What no Storch? I guess it doesn't matter much anyhow my vote is for the 88.
I went Firefly for 'as sold' favorite, but had the PzIV desert been more to my taste (less weathering & fewer crew) it would have been A#1 on my list. I had been contemplating repainting one, but I don't think that will be necessary as 1st Legion will probably have a Stalingrad version within a year or two that could also pass for a DAK
Guys,when I posted this poll I was mainly thinking of the last couple of waves of releases from Figarti and not their whole catalogue.But i must thank Brad for adding the two options that do deserve to be in here.If i was doing a general Figarti poll i would of course have added the V Weapons as they are so good.

Its a pleasure to see you all voting in this Poll which is open and welcoming to all who want to come here and share their opinions,its what this forum does best:).

Err, it's not my poll of course, but I thought this was for FAV's. Last time I looked, neither the ICBM nor the Puddle-Skipper come with great big steel/rubber tracks.
Course, I guess they could always be added to the poll cos they are great - looking.

I think you mean SRBM Harry. Neither the V1 nor the V2 (as produced) had much of a range. The only way to make them ICBMs would be to launch them from a sub.
Why isn't the K-5 - Anzio Annie listed?

Because when i did the poll it was just intended to cover the very recent releases not the whole Figarti output.Then a couple of guys asked me to add more recent items and so it grew.

I think you mean SRBM Harry. Neither the V1 nor the V2 (as produced) had much of a range. The only way to make them ICBMs would be to launch them from a sub.

You rivet counter you.....

I was trying to be sarcastic - guess I'm not very good at that.
Brad,please add the V weapons,Anzio Annie,Bethnal Green Betty and any other Figarti items you see fit,before these guys form a lynch mob!:D

Brad,please add the V weapons,Anzio Annie,Bethnal Green Betty and any other Figarti items you see fit,before these guys form a lynch mob!:D


Well I'd have voted for Bethnal Green Betty, if it had been available.
Positivly fearsome. :D
Without question, the Shock and awe Figarti Tiger-1 is my alltime favorite of any manufacturer. The interior detail is one of kind, and probably will never be done again because of rising cost. If you are in the market for a tiger, I would grab one of these, because dealers have only a precious few left. It is truly a phenominal piece.

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