Just got my Snork!! (1 Viewer)

i'm more of a 'jerry' collector, but this piece looks superb.

may i know are all the parts polystone with some metal etched parts?

I was trying to figure that out. I think (and I hope someone can put me right if I'm wrong) that it's prdominantly polystone of some description, with metal parts. No photoetch that I can asily see. It's far more robust that the Grant, with no real delicate parts.

Are the base of the snorkels removable too and make it look like a regular Sherman? If not, are they glued on or molded as one piece with the tank?

I've always wanted a Sherman with a 3-piece transmission cover.


The bases are part of the hull, and can't be removed (as in the first photo)
Hey Simon,

Great to see you having such fun, I have castigated that Gande bloke for bringing out so many top items so fast - and the horse he rode in on.


You know there is just no pleasing some people
Never enough of the items you want but when they all come it's too much:)
A bit like the old London Bus theory.;)

But don't blame me, Rick and the guys are the first to say they are constantly learning and I think the design, sculpting, production and painting (and I would suggest packaging) are beginning to kick in in a uniform and coordinated approach.

Who knows what Chicago is going to bring forth but it's getting exciting already


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