just out of curiosity, how many ex-military out there? (1 Viewer)


Brad, he was an acting Sergeant as well but basically he liked to be on the ground more than in the office as you would be with the Military police. Also he had one or two scraps which kept him from going to far!! When the military came to Singapore it was dads job to brief them (all ranks) on what to do where to go and not go and local traditions and the culture.
He would then patrol the city at night clearing up all those who did not listen including a few officers who in the 60's got a few knocks with the stick from dad and his team!

So i guess you can say he slowed his own progress!

2 tour nam infantry here
69-70 with 27th reg 25th div
70-71 with 7th cav 1st air cav
with 27 i also carried the prc 25 squad sgts platoon lts then company capts some of the great nights were out in the boonies quiet nite and getting in on a net chat not often enuf
2 tour nam infantry here
69-70 with 27th reg 25th div
70-71 with 7th cav 1st air cav
with 27 i also carried the prc 25 squad sgts platoon lts then company capts some of the great nights were out in the boonies quiet nite and getting in on a net chat not often enuf

Welcome and thanks for protecting me and my family's butts ,those many years ago....Michael
USN AOG-55 USS Nespelen gasoline tanker commissioned 1945 and I think decommissioned in early seventies. Two deployments in the Mediterranean late 60's.
2 tour nam infantry here
69-70 with 27th reg 25th div
70-71 with 7th cav 1st air cav
with 27 i also carried the prc 25 squad sgts platoon lts then company capts some of the great nights were out in the boonies quiet nite and getting in on a net chat not often enuf

Good Lord!!! A big STANDS ALONE to you my friend!!! I have the utmost respect for all of our vets- our Viet Nam vets are certainly no different- your cause and sacrifice were as noble and as just as any other veterans before or after you. May you have a very rich and rewarding life!!

One of my former Sgt Majors was with the 1st CAV over there though I think he was with them the year before you- Charles Fitzpatrick.

Most repectfully yours,
I have four years active duty as an infantryman with the 101st and The Berlin Brigade from 1983-1987. Have been in and out of guard as grunt and mp since then.

I enlisted in the Regular Army (RA19717825) for three years in September 1961 during the Berlin Wall Crisis when JFK called up about 250,000 reserves and we were eyeball to eyeball with the Soviets in Berlin at Check Point Charlie.

I had just finished my freshman year of college. I took all my Army aptititde tests prior to enlisting and had requested the Army Language School in Monterey, California. At the end of basic training at Fort Ord, Calif. (Co. C, 11th Battlegroup, 3rd Brigade), I was assigned to the Army Security Agency's morse code intercept school at Fort Devens, Mass., near Boston. When I asked the First Sergeant how this was possible since Radio Code was my lowest apptitude score, he said it was high enough to pass the course and that's what the Army needed. Oh no!

Needless to say, I hated it. So I contrived a way to go to a more suitable school, Teletype Intercept, by not passing the required 18 words a minute for morse code. After seven months of training and getting my Top Secret and Crypto clearance, I was sent to TUSLOG Det 27 near Ankara, Turkey. From there I was PCSed to TUSLOG Det 4 at Sinop, Turkey on the Black Sea coast. Our job was intercepting the Soviet Union's most sophisticated encrypted communications systems, especially those relating to their secret ICBM and satellite launches from Kapustanyar. I was there during the Cuban Missile Crisis and actually thought we were about to have a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union which scared the beejesus out of me.

After one year, I PCSed to the 320th USASA Bn at Bad Aibling, Germany which is half way between Munich and Salsburg. I was like going to heaven after being in hell. I was able to travel widely during my overseas assignments: Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Austria, etc.

When I got back to California to ressume my college education I had to take two years of a foreign language as a part of UCLA's graduation requirement. I had hoped to avoid this by going to the Army Language School and testing out at UCLA, but that obviously didn't happen. But all is well that ends well, I met my wife of 40 years in French One class; I would have never met her if it wasn't for the Army sending me to Morse Code school instead of the Army Language School.
2 tour nam infantry here
69-70 with 27th reg 25th div
70-71 with 7th cav 1st air cav
with 27 i also carried the prc 25 squad sgts platoon lts then company capts some of the great nights were out in the boonies quiet nite and getting in on a net chat not often enuf

nam vet

Did you ever know of a Huey Chopper Pilot by the name of Les Jones - from Florida??

Nearly but not quite.
Dad was Intelligence Corps in British Army from late 50's to 1977 and travelled around a lot (Germany x 2, Aden - I was on the beach when JFK was killed, Malaya, Cyprus x 2). As a kid ambition was to become an officer in the Gurkhas. Dad was posted to Hong Kong in 1975 and joined the Government Service in 1977. I liked HK so much joined the Royal Hong Kong Police straight out from school. Was youngest expat to join (18).
See a lot of service people and Vets daily. Incidentally only recently heard the Australian Army is the highest paid army in the world. Quite a few Brits and Canadians have left their Army and joined up here.
Any other cops/ex cops out there ?
Brett Williams
Brisbane Australia
Incidentally only recently heard the Australian Army is the highest paid army in the world. Quite a few Brits and Canadians have left their Army and joined up here.
Any other cops/ex cops out there ?
Brett Williams
Brisbane Australia

REALLY??? That is very interesting to know.

Welcome aboard Darrell!! There are several police officers here on board and in fact, there is a thread dedicated to that topic here under the misc section. A lot of excellent public servants on board- namely Wellington, Wraith (Simon) and a slew of others.

Did 4 years and 6 months in the US Navy. I was a Gunner's Mate Missileman Second Class Petty Officer (E-5) when I got out and went to college. I worked on the Mark 26 Guided Missile Launching System (MK26GMLS). I served on board the USS Ticonderoga CG-47. You can see the website my best friend from the ship and I keep for her. Got some great pics on the site. I was Aft Missile Launcher Captain for a year or so before I left and here is my baby in action.


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